Thursday, April 28, 2011


First, the concept of micro-electrical therapy
【Act, the law of the heavens, Tao, Nature.】 【People participate】 【heaven and earth Heaven and gas, ordered the said person】 【physical persons, small world also】. above verse are the crystallization of the wisdom of archaic thinkers.
worlds, Creator of nature. Natural Medicine namely the use of the normal context, natural healing substances inherent disease, or mobilization of their own competence apt restore physical health of medicine. Thus, the use of natural biological and mineral growth of TCM for pill manipulation (Mongolian, Tibetan),ambition chance a mess, and the world, countries use a kind of non-synthetic drugs, non-surgical medicinal methods, either natural medicine . Although the product of natural medicine has a long history of medical methods, but the use of terms and popularity in the last three decades of the matter. for of overrunning for chemical drugs, drug side effects of large mathematics, adding a large digit of chemical edible additives, dietary changes that result in edible the phenomenon of the original disease and number of medical social reality and therefore the term casualties. This is 1 of a kind of resistance apt synthetic drugs, but likewise the return of folk to nature, it is natural medicine advocates estates and return to Park, in agreement with nature. natural treatment using Qigong , melody, biofeedback, acupuncture, massage, herbs, diet, sun, air, hot springs, counseling and lifestyle correction, physical therapy and other natural methods to activate the body's natural energy to heal disease, and physical health. Natural Remedies the theoretical class, subordinate to natural medicine. with natural medicine methodology to lead their everyday lives to linger healthy, also known as natural health concern methods.
deterioration in the global environment, chemicals, teratogenic, carcinogenic, mutagenic increasingly clear case of , natural medicine and natural therapies to promote the protection of the natural environment and maintaining ecological equilibrium, energy preservation, conservation and many other appearances of human health, have important and assured significance.
micro-electric therapy Gu Incredibles is the human body through high-energy bio-micro-current ( 12mA or fewer) the output of electricity through his body adjusted, controlled, and beneath the way of meridian diseases in which parts of the rapid option of suitable power for electricity transmission, and directly open up the break, atrophy of the meridian, showing effect, so that the body quickly restore health. is a natural medicine, physical therapy as a access of health rehabilitation of green environmental protection and scientific accomplishments, which is not an injection, not the physical energy medicine health statute. is an expert in China long-term medical practice, exploration and research, develop out of a unique, so that the body immediately restore the health of new therapies.
to medicine and electrophysiology as the theoretical basis, the use of meridian theory, the bio-electric effect, through the power of the human body health care, health and treatment of diseases, the role of current in a short time by the surgeon to clear blocked meridians, to available care and treatment purposes. This set of methods as acupuncture, massage, acupuncture, and gives counsel on the advantages of quick, safe and clean environment for the body it is free from side effects of drugs on people.
studies have shown that it is bio-electricity crucial influence on the human body, charged molecules in the air mm ions into the human body, will change the body's biological power status, shock on the human body. air ions to the nature of power is given to the activities of a substance of human life, so people can not do without air ions, which influence the human body through inhalation of the body's various organs, its role is very broad. by proof of high-energy bio-electrical stimulation of the differentiation, positive and negative ions play a great role on the human body, positive ions more, stimulation of the human body, cozy to produce boredom, hot flashes, fatigue and anxiety; and more negate ions, there are towns pain, excitement, and sterilization effect. Therefore, we can use high-energy micro-electrical treatment of biological diseases.
micro-organisms can electroshock therapy during discipline related with the occurrence of bio-electricity, the extra obvious effects such as voltage, active chapters of the organization ambition produce a potential inconsistency, it is necessary for natural metabolism of organisms mobilized one of the conditions. Second the strength of the human immune system, more closely narrated to biological power. For example: the emotion of delight joyous spirits, self-confidence lusty, the affective brain space will persist to produce special biological current. pass it on to the brain and the immune system, so that the immune cell activity, phagocytic capability enhancement, can erase out timely and effective manner invasion of bacteria and viruses. This mawkish areas of biological current publish , also disallow illness cells and the magical effect of AIDS.
micro-electric therapy for common diseases, the hindrance of sub-health status, health care, rehabilitation and beauty, body has a meaningful effect, for conditioning a variety of incurable diseases easy, fast, economy, and there is an unexpected effect, thereby enhancing the quality of life and health, science and human wisdom.
Second, the principle of micro-electrical therapy to the medical and
the theoretical foundation of electrophysiological , the use of meridian theory, the bio-electric effect, through the power of the human body health care, health, and adjuvant treatment of disease. is the department of biological micro-electrical power output of the instrument 1st passes via his body control, adapted at the fingers (the use of the flexibility of the fingers) the power, speed and power displacement to by the physician, with the current in a short time by the physician to clear blocked meridians, to obtainable care and treatment purposes. This set of methods as acupuncture, massage, acupuncture and electrotherapy equipment avails, and have a quick, secure and clean environment, the advantages of the body. It is free from side effects of drugs on people, on a drug allergies are very suitable.
Third, the role of micro-electrical therapy
1 and clear the meridians: the use of current in the human body to stimulate the flow of qi, dredge the meridians, to cause central nervous system, sensory nerve, motor, and autonomic excitatory and inhibitory, to amend nerve recovered consciousness, self-discipline to enhance neurological. headache, trigeminal neuralgia, peripheral nerve palsy (facial paralysis) quick.
3, Town anti-inflammatory pain: present stimulation can cause excitatory nerve to the brain endorphin increased narcotic achieve, adapted to the treatment of various pain disorders. meridians current can stream, so that the local blood circulation improvement, and action of the absorption of inflammatory substances walking speed, active phagocytosis, enhance immune feature, anti-inflammatory character to play, such as sensitive gastroenteritis time is short, quick.
4, balance of yin and yang: yin and yang balance of a healthy human body in a state of disease when the body suffers from an imbalance of yin and yang by electrical stimulation of the vent or drain yang yin yang yin tonic and other practices to enable the body to restore balance of yin and yang,escorts toronto, eliminate disease.
5, neat the internal environment: Electrical stimulation of contraction and heating effect,shenzhen massage, so that adhesion in the vascular wall mordant, triglycerides, cholesterol and other impurities,shenzhen escort, decomposition, separation, metabolism out of the body, purify the blood and restore the flexibility of blood vessels and flat, to subserve blood circulation and increase metabolism intentions. Another change in the body the concentration of ions , penetrating active, increase the vitality of cells, speed up the body of waste substance exclusion (in the body during radiotherapy single smell precluded), play a clean-up blood quality, wash environment, the role of the body.
6, restore muscle function: Electrical stimulation can reason muscle contraction, so namely muscle fiber bulging and additional muscle size and weight and muscle, the capillaries convert rich, succinate dehydrogenase and adenosine triphosphate aerobic metabolism enzymes and athletic enzymes increased, so namely slow twitch fibers increased. of disuse muscle atrophy, amplify or retain mutual mobility, muscle spasms and other rapid conditioning.
7, the balance potential: Under normal circumstances, the potential of various parts of the body in balance, but the illness afterward cancer morsel lower than in other parts of biological voltage. biological micro-electrical method can activate the body in the lofty potential of cells, increasing the strength of its own conversion, so that potential to be adjusted to attain the potential balance.
4, micro-electrical therapy The treatment specifics
1, results are obvious: facial deadlock, headache, anguish and other common ailments and complicated diseases, results are manifest.
2, not side effects: not shots, no medicine, no pain, no infection, no side effects , known as the 4, wide: for health, beauty; of internal medicine,guangzhou escort, surgery, neurology, gynecology, and other subjects of common diseases and complex diseases, obvious effect.
5, cheap cost: a fair tariff 1 cents, while secondhand 20mm40 minutes, showing that the treatment is cheaper and solitary advantages.
6, practical and convenient: at a time there is 220v ~ power, an instrument to be carried out (home) health and adjuvant therapy . the fundamental from the environment, conditions, facilities, restrictions, easy to use simple and safe and cozy.
7, green: Instrument only use electricity, do not generate waste at go, and do not taint the environment, is the green environmental conservation treatment.
8, using the security: the security apparatus has taken efficacious measures, at a time rigid obedience with safety rules, can approach foolproof.
9, the body sensibility good: Microelectronics hand therapist and the patient's body to contact with the patient's body consciousness good, is unmatched by whichever other means.

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