Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the formation of exudative wounds are promising apt reason secondary infection caused

What vitamins can affect your skin
This is a can make their skin better? to make themselves more beauteous. metabolism has a very important character, such as establish visual cells of the photosensitive substance, and enhance the gratitude of the growth and development and upkeep functions, nourish and promote immune feature and to maintain the integrity of skin and mucosa. If the dietary intake of vitamin A deficiency, the diet fat content is too low, or people with chronic digestive diseases cause vitamin A deficiency, the initial drying will lead to epithelial tissue, and then the columnar epithelial cells horned into stratified squamous epithelial cells and glands of the formation of hyperkeratotic deformation depressed secretion, caustic body cells involved.
whether you ambition to diet to vitamin A,discard the use of savage animadiscardect brutaluse of wild pelt products, can be more wealthy in vitamin A intake or vitamin A raw foods: liver, egg yolk, carrots, spinach, leeks and so on. In adding, Because carotene (vitamin A of the original) in the people intestinal digestion and utilization of vitamin A, about 1 / 6 or fewer, so the added effect of plant edibles than animal foods.
vitamin B2, is still inadequate intake of is the main cause for the lack of vitamin B2, including food intake, cooking unreasonable (such for wash rice transition drenching chopped vegetables, etc.), food in the heating, exposure to sunlight namely the process of havoc of vitamin B2, the body is missing the influence of vitamin B2 on the skin is very manifest, such for induced cheilitis, angular stomatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, nostril and face, the man scrotum go far.
Vitamin B2 exists in milk, eggs, manifold meats , animal offal,shanghai massage, grains, vegetables and fruits and other foods, cereal foods as vitamin B2 in the ravine are primarily dispensed in the skin and mildew, and accordingly lose impulse grinding part of pearly rice in the vitamin B2 is merely 11% save rate, Standard wheat flour in the vitamin B2 is only 35% retention rate, it ought not be too fine grain processing.
vitamin B6, vitamin deficiency that is a typical clinical symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis, may also lead to chapped lip or jaws inflammation . their food source is very wide, animals and plants embody happenings, usually beef, entire grain products (principally wheat), vegetables and nuts in the maximum, but most plant foods are relatively low bioavailability of vitamin B6 for plant foods, ordinarily in the manner of this vitamin in animal tissues than the more complex, so animal food supplement of vitamin B6 is better.
vitamin PP, also known as nicotinic sour, niacin, the lack of reason intake of niacin and tryptophan is constantly inadequate, the lack of niacin will occasion, the maximum typical symptoms of the ailment often appears in the body exposed chapters, were bilateral symmetrical distribution in mandate to behind of the hand, instep, wrist, forearm, fingers, ankles and other portions of the most, followed at the friction by the body. acute humans, early lesions, the color crimson itching, very like sunburn, but skin nigh a explicit boundary, corner slightly higher, the Center for Disease detriment likened with; then quickly change into reddish-brown skin, a apparent edema, may be associated with herpes and skin breakdown, the formation of exudative wounds are probable to cause secondary infection caused; condition improves, swollen and red waning; retrieval period a massive peeling, subsequent fashionable roseate skin thickening, but also dwindling like thinning, edge pigmentation. skin perceptive to light, skin lesions and mild summer and winter weight, can be recurrent, and accordingly the skin thickening,beijing escort, rowdy skin disease and a bleeding can occur when the strewed points, along the collision or compression of the skin disposed to purpura and ecchymosis.
should pay attention to diet rich in vitamin C intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, such as pepper, leek, canola, fresh dates , kiwi, citrus.
the health of the skin is of way a digit of factors such as heredity, weather, diet, atmosphere quality, ultraviolet radiation intensity, skin care and other comprehensive decision, a good diet, a poised intake of nutrients and too can not fully ensure the health of our skin, merely the irrational diet, nutrient imbalance will lead to skin problems.
So, the loveliness of the human, efforts to alteration all that you can change, so that their skin more healthy now.

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