Thursday, April 28, 2011

notwithstanding because as masculine for no whoring yourself a lot fewer become of gene scatter out

Original promulgated in phrase next time the word was harassed, let sentimentality men went down the back, I guess maximum of them will escape away in dishonor stuck redden. Indeed, compared with the previous sentence, the anthem This an will more obscure,Nature gives us wash air, but it does point to know the gist of the whole word mm query questions while in passing a definite area in Shanxi, was caught goose hunters encountered. a pair of geese were slew in one, one ran, but the escapees do not quit, is this thing moving, bought a two-echelon buried, also wrote the prominent Zhu has a strong following after the congratulating is a pair of interpretation of the refuse to depart until the quarantine staff will take them both. From the photos point of outlook, this is a pair of wax lip black bird Euphona personata, do not understand the centers softened the English name if you know it will not also said, in English The bird is known as Japan wax lip birds (Japanese Grosbeak). they arise in Chongqing, located in chief China, indicating that this Shengsixiangxu ; Thelma and Louise,toronto escorts, Most birds, including a prototype that we can do. According to the research, 91.6% of birds are monogamous, and monogamy is the biological jargon, popular to say that monogamy. And where the great man mammals, the proportion was only 3% of Afghanistan. So boys and girls in antique as , birds, mammals, not slumbering approximately then, not because of whichever ethical considerations. ethologists explanation is that this is primarily due to raising offspring, the male and female is no assorted, although the females lay eggs only go, but in this, the hatchery, care and protection of the nestlings, the birds can do with my father as good as the mommy bird. while in mammals, nor the male embryo to the uterus the placenta can not invest even a drop of milk, so most of the male beast just leave Cleveland dry good thing, but to pluck the child's job to do full exercising and preparation females. the famous Emperor penguins Aptenodytes forsteri, is commonly known as the Emperor penguins,toronto asian escorts, the breeding ground and pillage to far individually, so the female penguins lay their eggs in the male behind they peregrination on foot to the sea for feeding, this is two months to go. In the cold of minus 40 degrees Celsius, the male penguin can not have a moment of lax, If the eggs to the cold rolling on the ground even if necessary for a minute, the little penguin eggs will be premature necrosis. and so the female back, husband mm male penguins have dropped at half the weight. If the Emperor penguin normal or food, often female and male co-operation to work hard out of the sky. For example, in the sea precipices of New Zealand king albatross breeding Diomedae epomophora, one cried the Ridge Dale (Richdale, LE) New Zealand scientists have scrutinized that perennial birds for 16 years, finally had to announce, they are possible to truly absence to grow old.

king penguins to birds, albatrosses
the benefits of monogamy is obvious, although for the male for not whoring yourself a lot less opportunity of gene spread out, but to concentrate aboard a standing ovation the female and nestlings also increased the survival rate of their offspring In 1986, two scientists 比约克伦德 M. Bjorklund, and Wei Eastman B. Westman of The average weight was 18.5 grams; likened tits female lost her husband only to feed the 5.5 average weight of 16.5 grams of a bird, it also did not take into account the survival rate of females in the coming year. Not only that, antique marital pair ; the female lay eggs 3-7 days in advance, but also a higher survival rate of chicks.
entities without one exception, polygamy, however not mainstream, does exist in birds. This is quite the breeding of people held in contempt The reason is likewise a kind of ways. a situation mighty oligarchs male will occupy a colossal hive off other males, and females apt fill the belly of the The feminine will slow a alternative, alternatively choose apt proceed to ascertain small bachelor those territories, alternatively condescend to the personalty of a mighty masculine to do the second territory, owl, for example, the first masculine mate of a 3.8 average,beijing massage, fertile juvenile birds lair, meantime males have tiny access to the second spouse can only be bred to help 1.6. but better than nobody, because the window duration namely the breeding petticoat short, whether even because a daytime or two looking because bachelor consume of time, or it may entirely lose the chance to breed this year.
compared with those nativity dandy who traditionally monogamous birds escapades behind more massive on the secluded anecdote. there deceiving action of the earliest known bird is the Adelie penguin Pygoscelis adeliae, which is a little penguin black and white, people came from the orthodox picture of penguins in it. For This penguin is, used to build nests of dry stones is a scarce resource, the behavior of pilfering stones will be the strong man of the house kick territory. Sometimes the female penguin will shirk the husband and the contiguous territories of male penguins spousing , so that on, many people broken to chips, the glasses. such as the reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus, a study found that the traditional monogamous birds will not like that people meditation that 55% of the chicks of unknown origin, was studied in 34 female, 33 had illegitimate birth to a bird. This is not the purpose of cheating behavior by other male's favor, but to boost the genetic variety of offspring . and we love swallow, swallow Hirundo rustica male fascination is relied on as the tail show the scissors, the longer the tail, the greater the attractiveness of the female swallow. Scientists male family Yanmei Rong, as they take a long tail plumes,shenzhen escort, Results of these guys quickly become a Casanova, get more female friendly gestures. But to do so at the price of backyard fire, their own personal raw birds nest and the proportion of never ahead prettiness jumped 4% to 41% .
pure reed bunting
not look the chilly file, numerous babies look inward to adore, may have deterred many emotions in turn may even resent the relentless phantasmal zoologist get surgery. In fact, absence not so pessimistic, zoologists mustld us there is vigorous file, such as the swan is still good comrades, they did not live up to expectations. a long-term learn found that most fairy tales, the swan Mute Swans mm Cygnus olor divorce rate underneath 5% per year, while Little Swan Cygnus columbianus (bewickii) and even a banquet for the dead spouse for 3 years. and the starting of this treatise, Yan are with a glory for allegiance Anseriformes. but could not help but also to dampen the passion of a zoologist, Anseriformes Although the overall good rendition, but the types of handsome men are constantly those with needy records, in the Anseriformes China's adore birds looking man devaluation duck Aix galericulata.
mute swans
Alas, reality is all more than the imagine of bloody.
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