Thursday, May 5, 2011

I have numerous times apt inquire themselves. Chyi Yu constantly meditation of in the center of the

When night fell, I like to stand in the window, saw toward the intention of home. Afar the lights besides fhardly everme scattered, merely there is only black and endless infinite quiet. Do not understand why, in this silence moment, but I constantly involuntarily, emotion themselves as a human, on the road away from home. This is a preferably intricate and sorrowful consciousness. Every day, I have one extraordinary gesture seems to be repeating the same life, I repeat can not be stopped for I know, this namely a never wade back, whether or not such a significant sense of walking,beijing escort, and I are gone I can not reserve time. Sometimes, I ambition go deep into the mob, I saw the rush but behind the crowd, smiling faces each day to welcome me the same, and then left me, was the gradually receding figure. from the meet to reside away from, is so hasty, I feel I have no time to pack up everything they have entire gone, when my heart is still in the streets the moment, I am always fraught with a lonely can not grab. One day in January a year, entire entities in my eyes, as if can be concentrated to a uncomplicated moment , I can even discern them apparently in my hands in the planned course of staged scenes of the cycle of life. While everything seems in my eyes in a quite short and comic access to live in my heart,areola color deep girl. After detailed inquiry, but I still consider that They never stopped wandering, every minute, they are looking fjust aboutmething at once, as I have never stopped looking for sinking heart. Why stray? why drift? On this point, I have many times to query themselves. Chyi Yu constantly think of in the heart of the respond. In truth, nevertheless I've been ups and downs in the years to come,shenzhen massage, and I did not find a extra definitive reply. youth, I, for one song, a book, or the vicissitudes of the article to others total have a curious charm, always felt lonely in the trail on how moving avenue scene is a absolute drift is a poem that is a infrequent pulchritude. Looking back, while boy's inexplicable desire of wandering, is preposterous , I still can not know now, when my boy, how is that lust can not reside forever wandering, forever drifting without instruction is one unbearable loneliness ah. Perhaps the globe has maximum of the circumstance, youth expectations is the vicissitudes,beijing escort, and the real life many times behind Lilian, the expectation is to live in truce. In my final few days have been a coalition, often have a few gray dove pearly dove flying over my brain suddenly , and instantly pluck my eyes to the far area. I kas long asfeeding the pigeons to fly no stuff how distant, will fly back, but I do not kas long asfar in the distance, my eyes can inquire what, I just feel that my eyes, with the figure of the dove fly out behind they never returned. So often, I have a sense of fear of the period. I feel like the sea, like time, boundless,beijing massage, beyond clutch. and I always area in them, like a straw, like wandering, can not ascertain an accurate direction. I know thatevery minute, time goes along my side, but I could not detect a better way to maintain it, I'm just well aware that my thoughts, in fact, has been in the street in my eyes, and my heart, in fact, has been drifting in the sea of ​​time. wandering from one room to dissimilar room to stray from the time of time Another time, I do not know where, when, is the end of the street.
never in no way the city / 1 daytime suddenly found / on seems apt have want of many years / caught in the undertow / fair for the nightfall breeze blowing window / some of the memory has Piaoyuan / some words still ringing in our ears Language / apartments here have never been outcast / occasionally rotate up one day, / as if it had been wandering for many years / the poems sheet / go together forward with the tears dried / back home still / heart it has changed

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