Friday, April 22, 2011

oolong a production of Hong

Earthquake Anniversary of Beichuan Middle School into
( Sixty-six of the earthquake )
oolong a production of Hong
2009年5 6, I have once another entered Xiong Dihuo located in Mianyang City, Sichuan Changhong training megalopolis in North School, paid a special visit in the Learning and living conditions . But they still face too numerous difficulties , but too friends in the community to continue to care and assist .
took some pictures , so that better comprehending of bloggers Beichuan Middle School .
Beichuan Middle School !
Tang Gaoping level teacher namely !
Zheng Ocean : tall educate students of Beichuan Middle School , eighteen annuals of age , the original elevation of meter eighty 3, the quake buried twenty-two hours , in the circumstance of unaccompanied without whichever thighs High amputation. The present location tin be seen from the pictures , the youth man still smiles , but back the smile is no derogation from the heartache of the parents is a silent sigh of the night the whole family . watch him, not path apt no call , do no Uncomfortable , there is not access namely he did not absence to be competent to do something !
parents out of work , specialized study in the school to catch on the sea and life is more tough immediately live !
dad touched his son 's , explosion into tears !
children: still impair you ?
prominent surgeon Marine !
students of Beichuan Middle School into a elementary study and living a customary state !

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