Wednesday, April 27, 2011

in Africa in Ethiopia

all the natural disasters of the period, we need to respect and adore of nursing train the Buddhist entity, killing and, release, vegetarian green spirit!
the maximum elementary precepts of Buddhism is the Five Precepts: not killing one; two no adultery; three no theft; four not prevaricate; 5 drinking alcohol (including non-random ecology of pill consumption). . humans and animals, but the body fashion is not special but special, right on the students, people and animals should be equal. apply to live among people, but also for coexistence among people and animals. shooting the life lesson No, killing animals is Fan Jie, a violation of animals, livestock manufacture, to seek more profit, more students do not respect the right of the animal, the colossal population of livestock against natural, anti-natural feeding livestock, raising livestock opposition natural prisoners, and even inhuman slaughter livestock situation. In this increasingly become factory-style livestock industry has seriously undermined the ecological poise of the world!
data, amuse see the following facts, we can glance to condone human meat, slaughter how the animal livestock industry is not environmentally friendly!
(a) of the United States more than half of the water, are used to feed animals for food, to generate a pound of meat, 2,500 gallons of water, but produce a pound of cereal, only absence 25 gallons of water. U.S. livestock industry by the taxpayers to subsidize water costs, without the Government's subsidies, a pound of regular floor meat burger, the cost to reach dollar 35 yuan. John. Robert itself is a psychiatrist, he It took three years to interview the United States farms, slaughterhouses, campus research ministries and the U.S. Department of Interior and business information, the writing provides meat for the accident of the universal context and economic consequences.
(b) of the United States more than 2 hundred and sixty million acres of woods has been amplified into a field, as the product of grain to raise livestock because food use. the United States 80% of the country's arable land is secondhand for feeding meat beasts, it is about half the 48 U.S. states.
(c) of the adverse alphabetical water pollution, 90% are caused by these animals for food, their fertilizer produced by all Americans, more than 20 times a day, generate 200 million pounds of garbage, at least half not dealt with to straight flow into the water. havoc of tropical rain forests continue to be used as grazing land. per minute, the equivalent of seven football fields of rainforest destruction .55 square feet of tropical rain forest may be razed for the manufacture of, but a 1 / 4 pound beef patty. came from the industry, even with the die pieces of meat and bone repast of livestock as feed, significantly reversed the cattle and sheep grazing natural instinct for the feed, guiding to genetic muddle. Japan this boycott (boycott) of U.S. beef. has been informed of using meat as feed and closely narrated to crazy cow disease.
under for slaughter, to the market. if only in forty seven days slaughtered, the chickens will be in two or three days, but can not be killed because of cardiac accentuate. in the natural regular circumstances, the chicken can live life to 5 years to 8 years. The unnatural birth of solemn damage and killing all the ecological balance.
these are not killing for they do not obey with the ring, students do not respect the right of animals to instant, indiscriminate killing, lustful nature of false circulation causing ecological imbalance phenomenon.
Buddhist compassion and knowledge of the large enlightened person, the educator of Sakyamuni Buddha, has long been penetrated through the bad karma highly tainted, killing people, but also seriously harm the natural nature. In the Buddhist decree of causality: What goes approximately, comes approximately, cause no bad mood. laws of nature, how can students create peace which the world does exist?
Chinese Mahayana Buddhism has been respected and practiced vegetarianism, unlock, nursing students, good deeds, the Chinese tradition of Mahayana Buddhist priests strictly vegetarian discipline, and some even necessitate transmission approve the precepts of Mahayana Bodhisattva oaths laymen also a vegetarian. temples premier day of each month, fifteen will be held in France, Shezhai believers dine food supply, the killing and to encourage the morale of the web mouth vegetarian. This is a very good and worthy comprehensive promotion of the orthodox.
Chinese Mahayana Buddhism, Jizo respected, among their wish to inform that we have been in the human globe, (Yan Futi beings),toronto escort, Shenwu killed, in order to dodge production the next dog in the manger The bad pratyaya.
my Buddha and the Buddha Tian Long Ba Bu this inhuman and so on, apt argue the Yanfu Ti beings, dying, phoned, Shenwu annihilated and made wrong pratyaya, disburse respects to the spirits, apt resort to monsters, so why ? killed along Seoul and even worship, without the slightest compel, necrosis benefits, merely the guilt coalition brim, Zhuanzeng deep. (the survival interests of the seventh product)
Yan Futi human while nativity, do not query men and women, alternatively for birth, but to do nice, acquire Shezhai, since the Land immeasurable joy, support PIP, have large well-being, behalf dependents. alternatively giving birth, Shenwu killed, get cracking the flavor, the supply of family production, and dependents in public , drinking carnivore, Clarion chord, make picture-not pleasure. (King of Hell, like Huan products eighth)
you know, in Africa in Ethiopia, many human hunger to death every day. But Ethiopia's cattle farm but every day by fewest 1 of the Boeing 747 aeroplane, flying to the United States fraught with meat. As long as the United States reduced the value of ten percent of the meat to reserve livestock grains tin save them tens of millions of peckish people .
vegetarian, release, the Buddha taught nursing students in a assured line of have also created man and animals on the planet, people and nature live in harmony between ecology, is the most direct and thorough environmental!
under the The information provided for each vegetarian saves one acre of trees each year; vegan diet who, three hundred gallons of water a day equitable while meat eaters need more than four thousand gallons of water (one pound of meat requires two thousand five hundred gallons of water to feed to kill; a pound of wheat is only 25 gallons of water.) apparent because of meat and let the male pay a heavy price for the entire earth; equitable one more person on the planet vegetarian, they smack of killing, but also for the entire Earth's environment a little more contributions!
vegetarian Mahayana Buddhism advocates the heart and is mainly based on the starting compassion,shanghai massage, but in the long run, the killing and, release, love mercy of asset, in truth, is to love the earth compassion. fewer meat, and even become a vegan diet, has been uneven this time to save the planet ecosystem, protect the environment from pollution, an momentous task. Let us begin from a vegetarian, do not eat meat beings can surely less of killing; humans can killing and that can be nursing students, release, love objects.
so ambition not only refine a agreeable internal world of human compassion,October 2, but also for human conservation of natural ecological balance of the green! environment of the earth, the peace of the world from the Jing Xin Su mouth start!

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