Thursday, May 5, 2011

and even ships to transport the helicopter productivity

passing by the Spring Festival holiday,beijing massage, for the people to run nigh appearance, it is so short; full of love and admiration for the people, is how reluctant; However, to make a alive, travelers can also embark on a journey.
stumble in the snow on the long-distance bus, eager to go home for the visitors who complained about the God, why is snow in the elapse year, the people do not long holiday, as the snow cost as freely.
in the crowded, about nobody is placed at the foot of the exercise chariot, left home to chase nightmares, no alternative but to pate aboard the bumpy road as the train gate,Guangdong Shanwei, has been closed labor, blurred eyes, the right to make a few recess; hands still tightly along their chests, to prevent loss of valuables. booth, most juvenile folk in their twenties and thirties are also sometimes listen a baby calling several extra But quickly the adults are holding her baby, to take urgent fathom to stop, and entire was presently submerged in the bang When the bang sound when the cycle. needy child ah, also along with the adults affected at these offenses!
few people will in-depth thinking, why not a lot of snow, will extend the homeward journey of special note? why so many young men and women, to dry the lips of the current brandy, a warm farewell bedroom home, to pursue a dream?
I inquired around a little sibling, why do we subject to this offense? he blurted out Another section of the compartment, Parcel stuffed under the seat, as I make a place to stand. I laud his psyche. I wished he could say to him to argue the above I met one of the few good people like it.
ordeal finally ended the journey to approach my dream place. ah, Snow covers the journey home, but there is no snow on the way people.
for human survival edible production, made a great contribution. snow of the innocent, opposition himself in person! Heavy Snow, surely, including human marching on the road. who seized the opportunity to clean the road, it also saves a sprinkler. between Chairman Mao waved, from south to northwardly, from east to west, all roads lead to Beijing, all hands-Qi, Lu Lu are clean. on the way out of the snow cleaning, also contribute to the wheat fields.
Fu Xi pursue this, since the , and even big snow of 2008, there was no 1 sweep, empty of snow this year already. Do not you see, are disinclined to sweep in front of every household, and who do not earn the money down, it has rush hour to sweep the street? Who would also favor to get their own kid, is the excursion home center focus it?
kids finally got home, but the air has not lukewarm enough experience, can not await to see the Lantern Festival lantern home, ambition must set foot on the money the road. because of the nervousness of the snow bus experience, vowed not to take the long distance bus, and for the train. empiricism is adverse, but see inside, halo halo, spit spit, slumberous adults, children crying. < br> Why is not placed properly to reside home, spend money on the punished? not because of money itself, but the points system because of money.
not the same property in various parts of the train automobile as a manner of transport, the differ material transported to where it is needed is a proper mission; but the 2 thighs of the people, but no another, where the work is the same, with the train car drag to come and go, and there is no added merit, a consume of gasoline waste of electricity equitable create the rail sector GDP. tourists, disbursing to be penalized, is the absence to create GDP,shanghai escort, is the glory; but did not create the wealth of material sense, but a garbage of resources, accordingly, would undergo. This analysis, logic ought be no problem, but it seems to me unreasoning. However, rational value? to pass rational, merely if.
If a country or region, according to people in different parts of the property and the specifics of money to provide even various locations to reduce the flow of waste material, not the people shuffling behind and forth, do not understand how much to solve the The to tall individual returns in the low efficiency of administration officials to make money, chance a time, finally creature put things right out.
adults, as labor productivity, in a nation or district, should be balanced, if it were not for poised, then the country or region's training and publicity wars to unfair big problem. If you want the train cars, and even warships to transport the helicopter productivity, advanced fruitful forces,shanghai massage, advanced transportation to all developed areas, the result is, the more amplified regions more amplified, fewer developed zones and beyond after . worldwide productivity, the transport on world, has been shown to management.
base to give reasonable grounds for the transport, something made the , and an explanation of a inconsistency as the same property, since there are differences in causativeable transportation becomes a normal flow of things.
Marx said that labor created male himself. labor to establish the idea with motifs, be said as a person; people depend on ideological work, without thinking of the movement, can not be counted as work; do not work the beasts can not be called human.
Physiologically speaking, the head is portion of the body, the brain's activity, but too portion of the manoeuvre of the body. Only the action of the head and other parts of the body (such for hands, feet, etc.) movement, synthetic together to form labor.
In short, labor, ideas, people, Trinity is one thing, near inseparable.
whether Come out, meantime flange flew ahead him,beijing massage, the precise size, flat surface; the seaming mart, do no must look by the designer's drawings, they do not see the periodical technology division, not Jinjinzhangzhang standing lathe before side of the cautiously controlled lathe, check the dimensions while either side, at all times ; adore because the intellectuals, do not let them do cumbersome work, so exhausted, broken brain, it is not thought, so it is not people.
for they do not work, not production, so I do not understand what is productivity.
War in a fashionable melody, shrieked the a Packaging is so large!
liberate and develop productive forces, it is tough carry on indeed! so numerous layers of packing oppression on the body, while the real productivity mm working people, how to wreck via the membranes of packaging, the real mains of the globe to do?
Perhaps only in the at anyone time may be known as the

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