Thursday, May 5, 2011

Acai contains antioxidants are grapes of 10 times

MonaVie juice is the altitude edible m from the ecology of the Acai fruit from Brazil (along Asa) and many other fruits rich blend of nutrients, of which 90% of Acai (Asa by) juice, savor sweet, uplifting the efficacy of the spirit.
drinking MonaVie Juice (Acai Juice) 20 reasons:
1. obstruction of disease - phenol (biological flavonoids) can protect the body from disease attack.
2. provide nutrition Yuan-Acai juice are wealthy in antioxidants and other minerals great to provide the basic nutrients and free radicals.
3. strengthen the immune system function-Acai Juice base in many anti-mutagenic chemical compounds to help the immune system to resist cell senescence, and DNA underwent other aggressions.
4. improve the physical-Acai fruit beverage tin boost physical fitness.
5. apt improve health-Acai berries of the vegetation into nutrition and brandy grapes in the intricate similar to to help discourage obesity, subserve physical and cerebral health, Acai contains antioxidants are grapes of 10 periods (twice the blueberries).
6. repair the native role-Acai contains many mighty antioxidants, or have effects, because they can nail vitamin C, vitamin E and glutathione _ and other antioxidants.
7. defensive protection - when the pathogens, antigens, mutagens and carcinogens into the human body the body or the body's own metabolism fabrication These pathogenic ingredients,Los Angeles, the cell film and mitochondrial DNA (these substances than the nuclear DNA more vulnerable to the amplitude of DNA damage 15 times or more) damage, Acai protection of plant nutrients barricade activities initiated to alleviate or eliminate oxidation.
8 . defend the eyes-Acai fruit juice can improve vision and reduce alternatively eliminate the eye disease, including glaucoma and blots of degradation, Acai in antioxidants can help fix the retina.
9. embodying fatty acid-Acai berry contains high quality fatty acids (Omega), steel, amino acids, dietary fiber and vitamin P, and additional vitamins. All of these nutrients ambition help to promote the cell's life features,shanghai escort, the transport of nutrients into the cell.
10. help digestive enzymes and athletic growth ingredient (Coenzyme Q10) is a very important nutrient-Acai berry is rich in these natural nutrients,shanghai massage, helps digest,shenzhen escort, transport of nutrients and chemical interactions.
11. reinstate youthful animation to restore youthful-Acai Berry famous for the effectiveness of play, it can strengthen the body's immune system and other functions for the body to provide more stamina.
12. lower cholesterol-Acai berry has some of the nutritional essay similar to the effectiveness of olive fuel can lower cholesterol (wrong cholesterol). These fatty acids help transport fat-soluble vitamins and A, E, D, K digestion.
13. rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals-Acai berry is rich in vitamin B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin),shanghai massage, C (ascorbic acid), E (tocopherol) as well as iron, potassium and phosphorus, which is quite important for healthy cells of nutrients.
14. strengthen the circulatory system function - cardiovascular disease is the second leading occasion of decease cause. Acai berries antioxidant flavonoids in biology to entirely promote healthy circulatory system. They strengthen blood containers, preventing stroke, center disease and atherosclerosis.
15. Anti-Cancer-Acai berry bio flavonoids (multiple phenol) and mutant plants are resistant to chemicals, to resist the invasion of cancer-causing genes and to strengthen the immune system. Other physiological effects of anthocyanins include radiation and chemical substances, protect blood vessels and abscess. has the best oxidation resistance nutrients.
16. hypoglycemic - Acai berries with cheap sugar (for opposed to ordinary fruit), and pancreas helps the body to adapt blood sugar.
17. rich in iron and fiber - Acai berry is rich in iron and a kind of fibers, is strongly suggested to take a digestive ailment of the elderly.
18. to improve the sleep-Acai berry nutrition and normal slumber can help improve insomnia. It provides the needful nutrients for the muscles to increase muscle function and to help relax muscles.
19. protein and amino sour protein namely the construction of the cornerstones compartments - protein amino acid namely one momentous chapter. the basic amino mordant protein with a absolute complex, Acai berry is extra luxuriant protein than egg, and contains numerous amino acids .
20. Clean Detox - For centuries, folk medication has been using Acai Berry to help clean and detoxify the body.

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