Thursday, May 5, 2011

and rigid enforcement. set alongside by the foot of the conversion region 10 meters wide

Integrated pulp and paper is the country's strategic choice. But how to fulfill integration have become a focus of debate, criticism for the APP, the question on the eucalyptus, are part of the controversy
Sinar Mas Group APP (Asia Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd., Asia Pulp and Paper Company), is the world's top five paper companies. But people's knowing of the APP is not the same, some human praised for its care to the reason of environmental conservation, some people made their plantation may be worried about damaging the environment.
Some people say, Face your itch?? eucalyptus.
alter attitudes, then the objection of Eucalyptus Eucalyptus
, not because of APP into the sky, not from China began. Back in the seventies and eighties of last century, once the world had Ecological effects of eucalyptus on a excellent debate. Eucalyptus Is there a problem?
Eucalyptus is a world famous one of the 3 fast-growing species, with plasticity, training time is short, wood, high output, wide range of uses and other specifics, its wood can be accustom in plywood, stop board, paper pulp, edible fungus, furniture and so on.
Eucalyptus original Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia, appropriate because growing in subtropical regions. China began introducing Eucalyptus from 1890,shanghai massage, has been large-scale cultivation in southern China, southern China to transform the most major species of pulp lumber and fiber.
While eucalyptus has a high economic value, but numerous people muse that planting eucalyptus plantations will affect the ecological environment. There are three main points: First, a negate clash on soil and water, so that aquifers dry. Second, a negate clash on soil, the soil sterile. Third, the eucalyptus grove, sex.
this, many specialists said that these accusations are not without cause, but not comprehensive.
eucalyptus growth as fast, its roots buried too deep, therefore the digestion of too many water, or even lead to soil erosion, so there are eucalyptus is the , generate the same biomass of other crops wasted merely half to one third of the water. a function of soil and water conservation. Zhanjiang eucalyptus planted fifty years, not only did not cause the deterioration of ecological environment, and some of the more serious soil erosion and drought, before the location, but also for of growing eucalyptus which have a definite change. Hainan planted eucalyptus, a local farmer told reporters, researcher told reporters that the cultivation of eucalyptus and the impact of growing sugar cane on the same land, sugar cane should keep fertilizer, but also large-scale cultivation of sugar cane. He said that fertility decline is a mutual problem for all plantations.
aboard Another informed of eucalyptus namely its havoc of biological variety. Shing Wai-tung, the Chinese Academy of Experts, said, that in the addition in species and plant scope additional from 0.45 to 0.78.
Kexiang Sen said, greening the context, which in itself protects the biological diversity. .
FAO narrated investigations have been done, and in 1985 published also told reporters that there is not problem of Eucalyptus itself.
species of eucalyptus, the opener people in the scientific
a positive efficacy for the eucalyptus has formed a unity, then, planting eucalyptus also invite extensive criticism why it?
China Academy of Experts Shing Wai-tung said: Like Sen also said that ; land can not be also needy; precipitation to 1200 ml alternatively more. and to develop a set of scientific forestry processes, and rigid enforcement. set alongside by the foot of the transition zone 10 meters wide, and according to local conditions reasonably practical layout tree species, but to concentrate on the plantations,beijing escort, maintaining the diversity of forest species, most early in the planting soil and water maintenance.
in soil preparation, planting, concern schooling process, APP also provides jobs to mountains along the contours, the implementation of band operation, thus shortening the tilt, the line length of the stepladder of the same composition, so that they manner a wafer of the runoff will be blocking layer is weakened, effectively taboo soil erosion.
in other places, APP also strengthened the management. For example, they prohibit cutting firewood in the forest to lessen the flaming and logging use when leaves and the return of forest bark to increase soil alphabetical material and nutrients; stressed eucalyptus planting density should be reasonable, not too near; attention to maintain the understory vegetation?? tree,I use life stamina, shrub and grass ecosystem; promote eucalyptus and acacia, West Nan Hua, etc. tree species to create, to maintain agreeable forest ecosystems.
In counting, APP is also along to regional taint hydrology, choose the proper planting of regional tree species. Leizhou Peninsula in Guangdong for their chief cultivation camaldulensis, Eucalyptus exserta, E. tereticornis Eucalyptus, Lemon Eucalyptus and additional hello wet eucalyptus, the main cultivation in Guangxi Meranti,shenzhen escort, Eucalyptus urophylla, Yunnan of more droughts, the main planting eucalyptus, blue gum and other hi straight dry dry eucalyptus.
June 27 this year, APP also Hainan to make to maintain ecological equilibrium hh lively plantation and biodiversity research, reconnaissance, train development and biodiversity conservation plantation harmonious path. begin.
reporter observed
APP has a colossal eucalyptus jungle planted Background: In recent years, according with economic development, the surge in demand for paper in China; the same time, the Chinese paper industry also requested the emission stamina, decrease the proportion of fodder pulp solemn pollution. Thus, integrated pulp and paper became the country's strategic choice, from a massive paper mill pulp mill to create a massive artificial fast growing woods, and woods treatment, logging, pulp, paper and sales mix into a virtuous wheel of industrial chain.
merely how species make forests which have become a focus of discussion, criticism for the APP, the answer on the eucalyptus,toronto escorts, are portion of the argument.
in this We wish all parties ambition be extra comprehensive outlook of integrated pulp and paper, and the implementation of integrated pulp and paper companies can really fulfill its commitments and continuously explore and build and manage plantations technological usages, the development of truly green.

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