Thursday, April 28, 2011


First, the concept of micro-electrical therapy
【Act, the law of the heavens, Tao, Nature.】 【People participate】 【heaven and earth Heaven and gas, ordered the said person】 【physical persons, small world also】. above verse are the crystallization of the wisdom of archaic thinkers.
worlds, Creator of nature. Natural Medicine namely the use of the normal context, natural healing substances inherent disease, or mobilization of their own competence apt restore physical health of medicine. Thus, the use of natural biological and mineral growth of TCM for pill manipulation (Mongolian, Tibetan),ambition chance a mess, and the world, countries use a kind of non-synthetic drugs, non-surgical medicinal methods, either natural medicine . Although the product of natural medicine has a long history of medical methods, but the use of terms and popularity in the last three decades of the matter. for of overrunning for chemical drugs, drug side effects of large mathematics, adding a large digit of chemical edible additives, dietary changes that result in edible the phenomenon of the original disease and number of medical social reality and therefore the term casualties. This is 1 of a kind of resistance apt synthetic drugs, but likewise the return of folk to nature, it is natural medicine advocates estates and return to Park, in agreement with nature. natural treatment using Qigong , melody, biofeedback, acupuncture, massage, herbs, diet, sun, air, hot springs, counseling and lifestyle correction, physical therapy and other natural methods to activate the body's natural energy to heal disease, and physical health. Natural Remedies the theoretical class, subordinate to natural medicine. with natural medicine methodology to lead their everyday lives to linger healthy, also known as natural health concern methods.
deterioration in the global environment, chemicals, teratogenic, carcinogenic, mutagenic increasingly clear case of , natural medicine and natural therapies to promote the protection of the natural environment and maintaining ecological equilibrium, energy preservation, conservation and many other appearances of human health, have important and assured significance.
micro-electric therapy Gu Incredibles is the human body through high-energy bio-micro-current ( 12mA or fewer) the output of electricity through his body adjusted, controlled, and beneath the way of meridian diseases in which parts of the rapid option of suitable power for electricity transmission, and directly open up the break, atrophy of the meridian, showing effect, so that the body quickly restore health. is a natural medicine, physical therapy as a access of health rehabilitation of green environmental protection and scientific accomplishments, which is not an injection, not the physical energy medicine health statute. is an expert in China long-term medical practice, exploration and research, develop out of a unique, so that the body immediately restore the health of new therapies.
to medicine and electrophysiology as the theoretical basis, the use of meridian theory, the bio-electric effect, through the power of the human body health care, health and treatment of diseases, the role of current in a short time by the surgeon to clear blocked meridians, to available care and treatment purposes. This set of methods as acupuncture, massage, acupuncture, and gives counsel on the advantages of quick, safe and clean environment for the body it is free from side effects of drugs on people.
studies have shown that it is bio-electricity crucial influence on the human body, charged molecules in the air mm ions into the human body, will change the body's biological power status, shock on the human body. air ions to the nature of power is given to the activities of a substance of human life, so people can not do without air ions, which influence the human body through inhalation of the body's various organs, its role is very broad. by proof of high-energy bio-electrical stimulation of the differentiation, positive and negative ions play a great role on the human body, positive ions more, stimulation of the human body, cozy to produce boredom, hot flashes, fatigue and anxiety; and more negate ions, there are towns pain, excitement, and sterilization effect. Therefore, we can use high-energy micro-electrical treatment of biological diseases.
micro-organisms can electroshock therapy during discipline related with the occurrence of bio-electricity, the extra obvious effects such as voltage, active chapters of the organization ambition produce a potential inconsistency, it is necessary for natural metabolism of organisms mobilized one of the conditions. Second the strength of the human immune system, more closely narrated to biological power. For example: the emotion of delight joyous spirits, self-confidence lusty, the affective brain space will persist to produce special biological current. pass it on to the brain and the immune system, so that the immune cell activity, phagocytic capability enhancement, can erase out timely and effective manner invasion of bacteria and viruses. This mawkish areas of biological current publish , also disallow illness cells and the magical effect of AIDS.
micro-electric therapy for common diseases, the hindrance of sub-health status, health care, rehabilitation and beauty, body has a meaningful effect, for conditioning a variety of incurable diseases easy, fast, economy, and there is an unexpected effect, thereby enhancing the quality of life and health, science and human wisdom.
Second, the principle of micro-electrical therapy to the medical and
the theoretical foundation of electrophysiological , the use of meridian theory, the bio-electric effect, through the power of the human body health care, health, and adjuvant treatment of disease. is the department of biological micro-electrical power output of the instrument 1st passes via his body control, adapted at the fingers (the use of the flexibility of the fingers) the power, speed and power displacement to by the physician, with the current in a short time by the physician to clear blocked meridians, to obtainable care and treatment purposes. This set of methods as acupuncture, massage, acupuncture and electrotherapy equipment avails, and have a quick, secure and clean environment, the advantages of the body. It is free from side effects of drugs on people, on a drug allergies are very suitable.
Third, the role of micro-electrical therapy
1 and clear the meridians: the use of current in the human body to stimulate the flow of qi, dredge the meridians, to cause central nervous system, sensory nerve, motor, and autonomic excitatory and inhibitory, to amend nerve recovered consciousness, self-discipline to enhance neurological. headache, trigeminal neuralgia, peripheral nerve palsy (facial paralysis) quick.
3, Town anti-inflammatory pain: present stimulation can cause excitatory nerve to the brain endorphin increased narcotic achieve, adapted to the treatment of various pain disorders. meridians current can stream, so that the local blood circulation improvement, and action of the absorption of inflammatory substances walking speed, active phagocytosis, enhance immune feature, anti-inflammatory character to play, such as sensitive gastroenteritis time is short, quick.
4, balance of yin and yang: yin and yang balance of a healthy human body in a state of disease when the body suffers from an imbalance of yin and yang by electrical stimulation of the vent or drain yang yin yang yin tonic and other practices to enable the body to restore balance of yin and yang,escorts toronto, eliminate disease.
5, neat the internal environment: Electrical stimulation of contraction and heating effect,shenzhen massage, so that adhesion in the vascular wall mordant, triglycerides, cholesterol and other impurities,shenzhen escort, decomposition, separation, metabolism out of the body, purify the blood and restore the flexibility of blood vessels and flat, to subserve blood circulation and increase metabolism intentions. Another change in the body the concentration of ions , penetrating active, increase the vitality of cells, speed up the body of waste substance exclusion (in the body during radiotherapy single smell precluded), play a clean-up blood quality, wash environment, the role of the body.
6, restore muscle function: Electrical stimulation can reason muscle contraction, so namely muscle fiber bulging and additional muscle size and weight and muscle, the capillaries convert rich, succinate dehydrogenase and adenosine triphosphate aerobic metabolism enzymes and athletic enzymes increased, so namely slow twitch fibers increased. of disuse muscle atrophy, amplify or retain mutual mobility, muscle spasms and other rapid conditioning.
7, the balance potential: Under normal circumstances, the potential of various parts of the body in balance, but the illness afterward cancer morsel lower than in other parts of biological voltage. biological micro-electrical method can activate the body in the lofty potential of cells, increasing the strength of its own conversion, so that potential to be adjusted to attain the potential balance.
4, micro-electrical therapy The treatment specifics
1, results are obvious: facial deadlock, headache, anguish and other common ailments and complicated diseases, results are manifest.
2, not side effects: not shots, no medicine, no pain, no infection, no side effects , known as the 4, wide: for health, beauty; of internal medicine,guangzhou escort, surgery, neurology, gynecology, and other subjects of common diseases and complex diseases, obvious effect.
5, cheap cost: a fair tariff 1 cents, while secondhand 20mm40 minutes, showing that the treatment is cheaper and solitary advantages.
6, practical and convenient: at a time there is 220v ~ power, an instrument to be carried out (home) health and adjuvant therapy . the fundamental from the environment, conditions, facilities, restrictions, easy to use simple and safe and cozy.
7, green: Instrument only use electricity, do not generate waste at go, and do not taint the environment, is the green environmental conservation treatment.
8, using the security: the security apparatus has taken efficacious measures, at a time rigid obedience with safety rules, can approach foolproof.
9, the body sensibility good: Microelectronics hand therapist and the patient's body to contact with the patient's body consciousness good, is unmatched by whichever other means.

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notwithstanding because as masculine for no whoring yourself a lot fewer become of gene scatter out

Original promulgated in phrase next time the word was harassed, let sentimentality men went down the back, I guess maximum of them will escape away in dishonor stuck redden. Indeed, compared with the previous sentence, the anthem This an will more obscure,Nature gives us wash air, but it does point to know the gist of the whole word mm query questions while in passing a definite area in Shanxi, was caught goose hunters encountered. a pair of geese were slew in one, one ran, but the escapees do not quit, is this thing moving, bought a two-echelon buried, also wrote the prominent Zhu has a strong following after the congratulating is a pair of interpretation of the refuse to depart until the quarantine staff will take them both. From the photos point of outlook, this is a pair of wax lip black bird Euphona personata, do not understand the centers softened the English name if you know it will not also said, in English The bird is known as Japan wax lip birds (Japanese Grosbeak). they arise in Chongqing, located in chief China, indicating that this Shengsixiangxu ; Thelma and Louise,toronto escorts, Most birds, including a prototype that we can do. According to the research, 91.6% of birds are monogamous, and monogamy is the biological jargon, popular to say that monogamy. And where the great man mammals, the proportion was only 3% of Afghanistan. So boys and girls in antique as , birds, mammals, not slumbering approximately then, not because of whichever ethical considerations. ethologists explanation is that this is primarily due to raising offspring, the male and female is no assorted, although the females lay eggs only go, but in this, the hatchery, care and protection of the nestlings, the birds can do with my father as good as the mommy bird. while in mammals, nor the male embryo to the uterus the placenta can not invest even a drop of milk, so most of the male beast just leave Cleveland dry good thing, but to pluck the child's job to do full exercising and preparation females. the famous Emperor penguins Aptenodytes forsteri, is commonly known as the Emperor penguins,toronto asian escorts, the breeding ground and pillage to far individually, so the female penguins lay their eggs in the male behind they peregrination on foot to the sea for feeding, this is two months to go. In the cold of minus 40 degrees Celsius, the male penguin can not have a moment of lax, If the eggs to the cold rolling on the ground even if necessary for a minute, the little penguin eggs will be premature necrosis. and so the female back, husband mm male penguins have dropped at half the weight. If the Emperor penguin normal or food, often female and male co-operation to work hard out of the sky. For example, in the sea precipices of New Zealand king albatross breeding Diomedae epomophora, one cried the Ridge Dale (Richdale, LE) New Zealand scientists have scrutinized that perennial birds for 16 years, finally had to announce, they are possible to truly absence to grow old.

king penguins to birds, albatrosses
the benefits of monogamy is obvious, although for the male for not whoring yourself a lot less opportunity of gene spread out, but to concentrate aboard a standing ovation the female and nestlings also increased the survival rate of their offspring In 1986, two scientists 比约克伦德 M. Bjorklund, and Wei Eastman B. Westman of The average weight was 18.5 grams; likened tits female lost her husband only to feed the 5.5 average weight of 16.5 grams of a bird, it also did not take into account the survival rate of females in the coming year. Not only that, antique marital pair ; the female lay eggs 3-7 days in advance, but also a higher survival rate of chicks.
entities without one exception, polygamy, however not mainstream, does exist in birds. This is quite the breeding of people held in contempt The reason is likewise a kind of ways. a situation mighty oligarchs male will occupy a colossal hive off other males, and females apt fill the belly of the The feminine will slow a alternative, alternatively choose apt proceed to ascertain small bachelor those territories, alternatively condescend to the personalty of a mighty masculine to do the second territory, owl, for example, the first masculine mate of a 3.8 average,beijing massage, fertile juvenile birds lair, meantime males have tiny access to the second spouse can only be bred to help 1.6. but better than nobody, because the window duration namely the breeding petticoat short, whether even because a daytime or two looking because bachelor consume of time, or it may entirely lose the chance to breed this year.
compared with those nativity dandy who traditionally monogamous birds escapades behind more massive on the secluded anecdote. there deceiving action of the earliest known bird is the Adelie penguin Pygoscelis adeliae, which is a little penguin black and white, people came from the orthodox picture of penguins in it. For This penguin is, used to build nests of dry stones is a scarce resource, the behavior of pilfering stones will be the strong man of the house kick territory. Sometimes the female penguin will shirk the husband and the contiguous territories of male penguins spousing , so that on, many people broken to chips, the glasses. such as the reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus, a study found that the traditional monogamous birds will not like that people meditation that 55% of the chicks of unknown origin, was studied in 34 female, 33 had illegitimate birth to a bird. This is not the purpose of cheating behavior by other male's favor, but to boost the genetic variety of offspring . and we love swallow, swallow Hirundo rustica male fascination is relied on as the tail show the scissors, the longer the tail, the greater the attractiveness of the female swallow. Scientists male family Yanmei Rong, as they take a long tail plumes,shenzhen escort, Results of these guys quickly become a Casanova, get more female friendly gestures. But to do so at the price of backyard fire, their own personal raw birds nest and the proportion of never ahead prettiness jumped 4% to 41% .
pure reed bunting
not look the chilly file, numerous babies look inward to adore, may have deterred many emotions in turn may even resent the relentless phantasmal zoologist get surgery. In fact, absence not so pessimistic, zoologists mustld us there is vigorous file, such as the swan is still good comrades, they did not live up to expectations. a long-term learn found that most fairy tales, the swan Mute Swans mm Cygnus olor divorce rate underneath 5% per year, while Little Swan Cygnus columbianus (bewickii) and even a banquet for the dead spouse for 3 years. and the starting of this treatise, Yan are with a glory for allegiance Anseriformes. but could not help but also to dampen the passion of a zoologist, Anseriformes Although the overall good rendition, but the types of handsome men are constantly those with needy records, in the Anseriformes China's adore birds looking man devaluation duck Aix galericulata.
mute swans
Alas, reality is all more than the imagine of bloody.
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

king scientist George Schaller started in the 20th century

Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in China's strategy is carried out via the active protection and training activities, with the government and wildlife researchers, to protect China's matchless wildlife and wildlife important to the ecosystem.
China is the world biodiversity and outlook diversity one of the highest, but because of redundant use and economic development, resulted in unprecedented over the elapse few decades, species loss, including some of China's endemic species. China's wild animals and bio- Diversity is facing a colossal threat, most of which comes from human activities. Although there are protection policies and decrees, but in many areas of wildlife poaching and unlawful use is still mutual.
China's population digit maximum in the globe, a premonitory portion of which is still in the cheap criterion of alive. At present, China's population is still growing, and expansion to the original remote places inevitably leads to overexploitation of savage animals and their habitats land fragmentation and wastage. catching into list wildlife and humans because the near relationship among land protection requires no merely strong administration advocate, but also requires the straight involvement of regional communities.
WCS work in China began in the 20th century 30 annuals,toronto escort, was a notable scientist, William b Wildlife Conservation in China, he completed the class to do pheasant research, following the achievement of Peter Williams b, b, main scientist George Schaller began in the 20th centenary, the long 80 years in Sichuan and Qiangtang Giant Panda and the plateau to carry out the conservation of ungulates in Shanghai In 1996 WCS China Program Office, 2005, the project's headquarters pushed to Beijing.
Currently, WCS China Program and the Pamirs Plateau in the west carried out ungulate protection, cross-border regions in the northeast Siberian tiger conservation, in the Yangtze River region and the alligator smudged turtle protection, carried out in southern China to reduce expense and trade of wildlife and wildlife public education projects, and in 2008 China first fired in the frame area for the enforcement of the award the Wildlife Conservation: Wildlife Champions of the Chinese border. WCS focus with government, communities and carry out long-term field research, with the collected wildlife and ecosystems first-hand information to promote conservation. to the end of 2008, WCS China Program, a absolute of 4 offices, that, Beijing Office, Lhasa office, Hunchun Office and the Guangzhou office.
WCS project partners in China is not only comprised in many worldwide and citizen nature conservation organizations, including government departments, research institutions and scientists. productive exchanges and cooperation is an essential access to WCS work, years of friendship and cooperation so namely we can work together to protect the cause of oil to the flames. WCS projects in China ready to work with multilateral cooperation, for human and wildlife to establish a better hereafter.
the Wildlife Conservation Society WCS: the conservation of biological diversity, you can do 5 small
biological diversity of life, biodiversity is our life.
the climate we exhale,1979 the meteorological and energy, the water we beverage, the food we eat, and we use coal and fuel are entire a product of biological diversity. Now a life support system is facing serious menaces. human behavior have been dramatically expedite the rate of species extinction on Earth, nearly each hour there are 3 species to extinction. but we have the competence to stop it .2010 was the International Year of Biodiversity, let us take immediate action to protect biodiversity! Here are some simple easy little things, if you absence to make a change, please send an (or all!) Tiger as your plans.
tiger habitat
1. to understand and defend information transmitted by browsing WCS
China Project QQ space) and share protected information procreated to make your friends to participate in conservation deed.
Tibetan antelope
2. feel the charm of nature
visit your metropolis menagerie and botanical gardens, or during the vacations with your household and friends a visit to China's protected areas. enjoy the great nation of large creeks and mountains, feel the magnetism of chromatic life. back to nature, let your idea return to the . Of lesson, in the way of voyage, amuse cared approximately any product you have purchased the source and essay. to avoid the purchase of raw materials or creation processes be prejudicial to the process of biodiversity products. decided not to eat wild animals. special attention to whether your caress is purchased, or outdoor the wild species, you are using the presence of jeopardized species of traditional Chinese medication elements, if you wear the clothes of wild animal life is made of the spend. If you know the hints to the unlawful trade in wild animals,toronto asian escort, phone the hotline 40088-05110 (animal 110).
4. depress the carbon footprint
warming is intimidating the planet, including persons, the survival of many category. understand your carbon footprint, from the details of the begin, over a low-carbon life. For example: using energy-saving light bulbs, air-conditioning in the summer, the temperature set by 26 degrees, extra than along bus alternatively bicycle apt work, water conservation, consume recycling and reuse of old stuff alms, purchase locally produced seasonal fruit and vegetables, and actively partake in carbon offsetting activities.
environmental protection volunteers do a diversity of volunteers enrolled in the work of WCS, of contributing to the conservation of biological diversity. In increase, you can actively participate in servant and other environmental organizations activities, such as Wild Fauna and Flora International (FFI), The Nature Society (TNC), the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), Landscape Conservation Centre, Friends of Nature and so on. also disburse attention to whether your area to nature conservation for the intention of the grass-roots organization, amuse in and support their evolution.
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1209 International Anti-Corruption Day

* Indicates a vacation calendar holiday at ,and accordingly reduced .,toronto asian escort
0101 * New Year's Day
0127 International Holocaust Remembrance Day
0202 World Wetlands Day
0207 International Day of Solidarity Day
0210 South Africa
0214 World Meteorological Day Valentine's Day
0221 International Mother Language Day
0301 seals at
0303 National Ear Care Day
0305 apt study from Lei Feng Day
0308 International Women's Day
0311 Madrid bombings, Spain (2004)
0312 Arbor Day anniversary of the decease
0314 Sun International Police Day
0315 International Consumer Rights Day
0317 Festival International Maritime Medicine China Country Day
0321 World Forest Day International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the earth
0321 melodies at the World Sleep Day
0323 World Water Day World Meteorological Day
0324 World TB Day
0325 safety schooling at primary and secondary schools national
0330 Palestinian land at the National Patriotic
0400 Health and Sports Month (April) Tax Awareness Month (April)
0401 World Health Day, April Fool
0422 Earth Day
0423 World Book and Copyright Day
0424 Asia-Africa News Workers at
0501 * Labor Day
0504 China International Youth Day
0505 Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control World Red Cross Day at
0512 International Nurses Day International Nude Day
0515 International Day of Families
0517 World Telecommunication Day
0518 International Museum Day
0520 National Student Nutrition Day
0523 International Day
0531 World No Tobacco Day
0601 International Children's Day
0606 World Environment Day at the National Eye
0617 World Blood Donor Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
0623 International Olympic Day
0625 National Land Day
0626 International Anti-Drugs Day
0701 *** Party of China at the World Day of the Hong Kong Reunification Day
0702 officially opened the International Sports Press Day
0711 the Chinese People's War Day World Population Day at
0730 China Navigation Day
0801 African Women's Army
0808 Chinese Festival Chinese man (Daddy Day)
0815 formally announced the unconditional concession of Japan at the National Putonghua
0900 Awareness Week (third week of September)
0903 Chinese People's Anti-Japanese War Victory Day
0908 International Literacy Day, International Federation of Journalists at
0910 Teacher's Day
0911 World Trade Center gangster aggressions in New York (2001)
0914 Earth Day Clean Up the World International Ozone Layer Protection Day
0916 September
0918. eighteen Incident Love Teeth Day
0920 International Day
0921 International Day of Peace
0922 World Car Free Day
0927 World Heart Day World Tourism Day
1001 * National Day, the World Music Day International Day for the Elderly
1001 International Music Day
1002 international truce and democratic liberty skirmish at the world
1004 Animal Day
1008 National Hypertension Day
1008 World Sight Day
1009 World Post Day ashore the anniversary of the UPU Revolution by
1010 World Mental Health Day World Health Day
1013 International Teacher's Day
1014 World Standards Day
1015 International Blind Day (White Cane Day)
1016 World Food Day
1017 World Eradication of Poverty
1022 World Traditional Medicine Day
1024 World Development United Nations Day Information Day
1031 World sparing Halloween
1107 October Socialist Revolution Day
1109 Chinese journalists at the national launch safety publicity and education at
1110 World Youth Day
1111 International Science and Peace Week (the week of the daytime belongs to) Singles
1112 Sun Yat-sen's birthday anniversary
1114 World Diabetes Day
1117 International Student Festival Student Festival
1121 World Day World Television Day greetings to the world
the disposal of servant violence at 1125 International
1129 International Day of International Solidarity with the Palestinian human
1201 World AIDS Day
1205 World Day of Disabled Persons International Economic and Social Development Volunteer Day
1208 International Children's TV World Football Day at
1209 International Anti-Corruption Day
1210 World Human Rights Day
1211 China's approval to WTO
1212 anniversary of the Xi'an Incident
1213 Nanjing Massacre (1937) Day! bear in mind tragic history!
1220 anniversary of Macao's return to international basketball
1221 at
1224 Christmas Eve
1225 anniversary of the birth of Mao Zedong
1226 Indian Ocean tsunami (2004)
1229 International Biodiversity
of the month at the premier few days of the week. 5,6,shanghai massage,7,8 1,2,3,4, said the 1st few weeks to a few blacks at
0110 World Leprosy Day / / the final Sunday of January (the first Sunday of last month)
0520 Mother's Day
0530 International Disabled Day
0630 National Father's Day Labor Day
0911 International Day of Peace
0940 International Day of the Deaf World Children's Day
0950 World Maritime Day
1011 International Housing Day
1013 International Natural Disaster Reduction (Disaster Reduction)
1144 Thanksgiving
lunar festival
0101 * Spring
0115 Lantern Festival
0202 Rend Ma Zu Shengchen
0323 (the Heavenly Holy Birth)
0505 Dragon Boat Festival
0707 seventy-seven China Chinese Valentine's Day Halloween

0714 0815 Mid-Autumn Festival for the Elderly in China
1208 Chung Yeung Festival
1223 Laba Laba Festival
0100 * New Year's Eve

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What vitamins can affect your skin
This is a can make their skin better? to make themselves more beauteous. metabolism has a very important character, such as establish visual cells of the photosensitive substance, and enhance the gratitude of the growth and development and upkeep functions, nourish and promote immune feature and to maintain the integrity of skin and mucosa. If the dietary intake of vitamin A deficiency, the diet fat content is too low, or people with chronic digestive diseases cause vitamin A deficiency, the initial drying will lead to epithelial tissue, and then the columnar epithelial cells horned into stratified squamous epithelial cells and glands of the formation of hyperkeratotic deformation depressed secretion, caustic body cells involved.
whether you ambition to diet to vitamin A,discard the use of savage animadiscardect brutaluse of wild pelt products, can be more wealthy in vitamin A intake or vitamin A raw foods: liver, egg yolk, carrots, spinach, leeks and so on. In adding, Because carotene (vitamin A of the original) in the people intestinal digestion and utilization of vitamin A, about 1 / 6 or fewer, so the added effect of plant edibles than animal foods.
vitamin B2, is still inadequate intake of is the main cause for the lack of vitamin B2, including food intake, cooking unreasonable (such for wash rice transition drenching chopped vegetables, etc.), food in the heating, exposure to sunlight namely the process of havoc of vitamin B2, the body is missing the influence of vitamin B2 on the skin is very manifest, such for induced cheilitis, angular stomatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, nostril and face, the man scrotum go far.
Vitamin B2 exists in milk, eggs, manifold meats , animal offal,shanghai massage, grains, vegetables and fruits and other foods, cereal foods as vitamin B2 in the ravine are primarily dispensed in the skin and mildew, and accordingly lose impulse grinding part of pearly rice in the vitamin B2 is merely 11% save rate, Standard wheat flour in the vitamin B2 is only 35% retention rate, it ought not be too fine grain processing.
vitamin B6, vitamin deficiency that is a typical clinical symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis, may also lead to chapped lip or jaws inflammation . their food source is very wide, animals and plants embody happenings, usually beef, entire grain products (principally wheat), vegetables and nuts in the maximum, but most plant foods are relatively low bioavailability of vitamin B6 for plant foods, ordinarily in the manner of this vitamin in animal tissues than the more complex, so animal food supplement of vitamin B6 is better.
vitamin PP, also known as nicotinic sour, niacin, the lack of reason intake of niacin and tryptophan is constantly inadequate, the lack of niacin will occasion, the maximum typical symptoms of the ailment often appears in the body exposed chapters, were bilateral symmetrical distribution in mandate to behind of the hand, instep, wrist, forearm, fingers, ankles and other portions of the most, followed at the friction by the body. acute humans, early lesions, the color crimson itching, very like sunburn, but skin nigh a explicit boundary, corner slightly higher, the Center for Disease detriment likened with; then quickly change into reddish-brown skin, a apparent edema, may be associated with herpes and skin breakdown, the formation of exudative wounds are probable to cause secondary infection caused; condition improves, swollen and red waning; retrieval period a massive peeling, subsequent fashionable roseate skin thickening, but also dwindling like thinning, edge pigmentation. skin perceptive to light, skin lesions and mild summer and winter weight, can be recurrent, and accordingly the skin thickening,beijing escort, rowdy skin disease and a bleeding can occur when the strewed points, along the collision or compression of the skin disposed to purpura and ecchymosis.
should pay attention to diet rich in vitamin C intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, such as pepper, leek, canola, fresh dates , kiwi, citrus.
the health of the skin is of way a digit of factors such as heredity, weather, diet, atmosphere quality, ultraviolet radiation intensity, skin care and other comprehensive decision, a good diet, a poised intake of nutrients and too can not fully ensure the health of our skin, merely the irrational diet, nutrient imbalance will lead to skin problems.
So, the loveliness of the human, efforts to alteration all that you can change, so that their skin more healthy now.

which variations namely no not alteration in principle

Once above a time, we are chasing a fast life. That's while the fashionable fast-food mores, people rush approximately with the equally hard to catch affair opportunities. But when I look back, we found that in fast moving, ignoring the side scenery. So we see a was time, we know how momentous it is leisure, which is why I am afraid that in the Jiangsu TV exceedingly strong, began to enjoy life, travel, etc..
is yet enjoying life nowadays, including a gold seize and white-collar laborers their pursuit, in truth, in terms of our mediocre people, so, also? enjoy life to the delicate nature of life we ​​need to encounter a pursuit. Today's epoch, is one intelligent times, it was a moving time. This is why more and more intelligent products, and mobile products and can rage around us, the reason why.
China Forum by Samsung, we see a hereafter life expectations. I more amused in why the Samsung gave us this life advocate? This is a quite interesting thing. and makes Samsung musing the sagacity of this bbs advocating life, during which reveal it kind of thinking is enlightening.
First of entire, Samsung knows what the market needs. we entire know, the smart phone market, Samsung is not the biggest huge brother, whatever, whether Apple alternatively Nokia are complicated to ignore this rookie competitor. In in front of the old and new forces, Samsung is a alter kind, an escapes scampers via the antique and the new equilibrium among the forces. In traditional areas, Samsung has its inherent strengths and areas; in front of the new forces, Samsung is always able to size up the position to be changed, which variations is not no change in rule, but preferably an inclusive and reasonable reference. This is why we see the Samsung can bear with Google's Android strategy proceed to layout their own product line, and the greatest degree of wealth.
many of the traditional forces in puny changes occurred in the market, you always can not alternate fast, thus lacking an opportunity. Nokia is so, so, too, Microsoft? But Samsung is always proficient to collar the opportunity to change, which is an ability.
Secondly, users absence to know what Samsung. scientific progress has brought us a lot of changes in the orthodox, this change is shrewd in many cases, is voicelessly formed in the transition. Once upon a time, we likewise find a massive back vote, LCD TV,toronto escorts, but then ultra-thin, intelligent, to today's 3D, and 3D + Samsung stretched out beautiful, which is further extension of life we ​​enjoy a agreeable, like users would like to give the user a simple of applications, and the rest can be handed over to Samsung. It is this idea, let us see the Samsung A change is anticipated, many companies still in the wait stage, Samsung are always resolved to be the 1st, which is a variety of competence to clutch market trends as well as a technical extension of the readiness. for of the collection of technology and input, when the market is some variety of expectations, Samsung is expected to convert possible to put this, and then into their own products to market.
Internet has sent extra distraction, intelligent mobility so that human more leisure time in a alternative. But more often, we ascertain out that numerous elements, intertwined, and a variety of applications, cross-use namely our life, often in the face of things. So, we look that Samsung has forever been to user demands,I watched the sheep the wolf. long paucity water, technology innovation and constantly subserve the use of its productions tin maintain a quickly changing technology development, this is the maximum horrible. In this regard, Samsung not doubt have this latent. This is the Samsung in many places to retain a strong presidency position is forever the reason. the technology lead the market, to mall demand changes arrange the foundation for their technology,toronto escorts, Samsung brings us with their innovative wonders repeatedly and again.
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a meaningful trait in numerous parts of the . such for Chongqing Municipality made

This information is remove, whether anyone is to dry, gdp to work up, Whether protection is not to protect you. gdp up,Shen Xiao-hui, and completions came out, there is a melodrama eighth largest.

This is the national interests in exchange for a typical private interests, the gathering should be were very vocal, full should be a absolute vocal.

; these two messages attach beautiful folk saw it, although it tin not generalize, but the Chongqing Municipality began the Great Leap Forward of the gesture or glance. say of the Great Leap Forward, will inevitably make people meditation of the revolution 58 annuals years, though not individually seen,toronto escorts, but heard that daytime were then dyed with the revolutionary passion. Chongqing Municipality began the Great Leap Forward, both to encounter singing revolutionary songs,shanghai massage, an entire metropolis into a madness.

I thought, this is no cried the technological development, the cost and the disbursement of other evolution, and extra losses than gains, yet also a lot of money you have the competence. It's like dry selfish object, you got the interests of others were a mishap, nought to show off. After all, this is not a capacity problem is a individuality problem.

MSN Spaces absolute migrate to the Sina blog!

likewise penetrate a message: January 4 Ministry of Environmental Protection Notice No. 2011 published: January 10 to 21, to apply as improvement and correction of the National Nature Reserve for publicity. including rare and endemic fish the Upper Yangtze River Nature Reserve the contents of the boundary adjustment. district to make direction. According to Chongqing after the South China Sea on small hydropower stations have been carried out preliminary go, the proposed dam site is equitable a small hydropower station in the South China Sea, the adjustment for non-protected waters of the rill section, the coverage of its ponds are likewise coincided with the adjusted to overlap the scope of experimental zone. Friends of Nature, the Nature Conservancy and other non-governmental environmental organizations are cared that the scope of the defended areas to accommodate the main purpose is to make way for the construction of small hydropower stations the South China Sea.

online load, gradually prologue nigh the 2 over, a significant trait in many chapters of the . such as Chongqing Municipality made: 2015, District G D P mean daily growth rate remained by nigh 12.5 percentage in 2010 to twice GDP ashore the basis of per capita GDP to double 8000 U.S. dollars, double the per capita proceeds of peasants income of urban residents increased at 75%. It namely said that in the nation, the target busy in Chongqing is the highest.

p.m. alternatively a daytime without work

4.22 is value memorizing that day,shanghai escort, Earth Day , in the flurry of costing .
4.23 really snowflakes on the outside apt get up early ,toronto escorts, and naught on the day ahead twenty-eight ratio is simply assorted. did no drive the road is quite sleek , Sister pair to companion a a.m. exam .
p.m. or a day without work,and maybe our hereafter generations, drinking tea seeing the newspaper and see some sleet or gray skies .
nice mood, so broad and fat body . The afterward Determined to go to the pharmacy behind work to buy medicine to deduct from. must be reduced 104 pounds . sixty-one ago. There are extra than a month then there is hope .

not Pollution

Our company has adult a zero formaldehyde particle board is using a kind of ecological harvest stalks (cotton stalks , wheat straw , soybean straw , sorghum straw, corn stalks , straw and crop stalks , etc. ) production of particleboard .
naught formaldehyde molecule board is pure ecological ecology,toronto escort, no Pollution , naught formaldehyde plate. this product namely a discovery in traditional particle board creation process have to be added apt the adhesive , the manufacturing process but to use a special process from the making , do no increase adhesive. the production of the physical and chemical properties and manifold technical arrows have approached And better than the countries to develop the GB/T4897-2003, GB/18580-2001 standards; and through the Japanese JISA standard test , the results of formaldehyde emission of only 0.02mg / L, decorative panels to 0.04mg / L.
zero Formaldehyde particleboard production of ecological success,toronto escort, beginning up new aisles because use of cotton stalk for a substitute for lumber , tin greatly reduce the amount of timber felled ,we ambition be homeless, the effective protection of woods resources and preserving ecological poise .
no glue to surmount the ecological cotton stalk particleboard The harm of formaldehyde to attain a neat family surroundings , living long and healthy life , real

saluting anthem namely divided into upper and lower levels

Huangshan top of the second day in the morning to get up 5 extra minutes to watch the sunrise Guangming Ding ,toronto escort, thinking to shoot a red sea of ​​clouds in the bound from a chip of the pleasing ah! can God fail of male , the weather is still Is a sunny, paired with favorable terrain has been back to the people to collar , even a plug gaps in the lens did not wow, only impatient shambles approximately, however the sequel, such as sun Lao Gao , who has been a awarding experience while the front took a few Lens, I'll say. ideal .
sunrise shoot back to the hotel wash , eat breakfast, retard out , 7 o'clock the next day the tour began course . The first attraction namely the fishes approach the peak , its peak for the fishes , resembles a mammoth stone tortoise back , it said fishes package beetles , landscape can be thought an of the outstanding Huangshan Mountain . upon by the slender strip of sky , hundred stepladder to reach the Lotus Pavilion . Yixiantian exceedingly Act assurance, caught among the 2 peaks from the hike via , 70 degree slant up and down cross-eyes , only because an human to pass through ,toronto escorts, we are down . bottom line of people to take the initiative , otherwise the altitude of livestock , the hatchback namely immune through , up and down distance of 200 meters. We in the Lotus Pavilion Lotus Peak Beitiao , has been closed for of Lotus Peak , visitors tin no ascend , it is said to be closed next year, the Heavenly Capital Peak , Lotus Peak open . 2 peaks swiveled closed, the intention is to protect the context, and better safeguard the ecological poise and upkeep facilities .
from Lotus Pavilion starting , we crossed the downlink Yuping cableway station, worked to our last space in the mountains Jade Screen Peak , where the close see of the famous welcoming melody, welcoming song is divided into upper and lower levels , two pine Microvolt ahead , like a welcoming . There are rumors namely a few years antecedent welcoming pine is die, instead of the plastic fake pine , in fact, preposterous of the light . According to Mr. Cheng stresses namely the industry deserving to unfair rivalry .
Our small team of seven people have been unable to climb the Heavenly Capital Peak , and can only look into the distance Heavenly Capital Peak , like the rock One is 5 years ,vegetables and basis tangle nematode in greenhouse research., and this is probable to be reasoned by dispersed people a lifetime of regret .
11 o'clock we took the cord motorcar down apt the Ci Yunge , take the bus behind to the motel , afternoon recess. The afterward day ( 10) 6 o'clock in the morning take the bus , by 12 noon behind to Nanjing , Huangshan excursion ended .

Great summer dress long-sleeved

Oh, long time no Internet , and feel that they have been turning the world of flying away , ha ha .
decided today to write extra , more to vent a mini , huh, huh .
really reduced recently , numerous Thing is not smooth .
going in a supermarket final month , and all sorts of folk deal with each day , there is no civilization , there is no quality, there is no schooling ,where an side Banan Lake Forest, are held between the first shake she makes , well, they're what People have , as a staff must preserve the service with a smile , why ah , those qualities grandson did no , whatsoever,shanghai escort, people's money they have to hear to additional people's preparations , alas , true Wohuo , and never do , and Go after those who scamper into the supermarket and drinking gifts , beverage to buy , do no savor agreeable but also to thank people , I can be regarded entirely know their mood. the last time aboard the activities of Nestle coffee espresso hot new production to mart testing, Great summer dress long-sleeved , in the supermarket is no hot to be out at lunch damage , ah, that an 's perspiration. tortured me the most is that shoes, special hardware ,toronto escort, thanks to a slope with the 3 days Activities over, I should at fewest be one centimeter higher , feet swollen feet broad , two days rest at home ahead Huanguo Lai . Well, actually do not absence to mention these trivial matters .
and perseverance apt write for , huh, huh .

merely in 1969 a preliminary appointment held in Seattle

Earth Flag Earth Flag
the cardinal pattern is the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Apollo 17 spacecraft in space photographs taken of the world, placed in a black blue background, it is by John. McNeil in 1969 as the design of the 1st Earth Day, as long asflag is a symbol of the environmental campaign.
first alternative at the vernal equinox Earth Day, solar terms, the daytime anywhere in the world daytime and night are equal length of time, the sun can shine In the South Pole and North Pole, which represents the world of equality, but also a symbol of humanity is to put aside their disputes and inconsistencies between the harmonious coexistence. traditionally celebrated in many countries have the institution of the vernal equinox solar terms. Early United Nations are also The annual spring equinox Earth Day activities held.
1969 U.S. Senator Gaylord. Nelson, speaking by assorted universities in the United States ambition, apt intend for next year's April 22 unions to protest the Vietnam War as the theme university sports, merely in 1969 a preparatory conference held in Seattle, the activities of 1 of the organizers, Harvard Law School student Dennis. Hayes is the intended campaign targeting the United States, and to the theme of the grassroots environmental movement. April 22, 1970 throughout the United States a absolute of extra than 2,beijing massage,000 human took chapter in the environmental movement, the movement's success has made April 22 of each annual in environmental conservation activities systematized as a practice in the United States is likewise Earth Day with this name from the date of the vernal equinox to move to the April 22,toronto escort, Earth Day theme also tend to prefer extra environmental protection.
immediately generally adopted namely 22 April 1970 the first in the United States is the world's Earth Day activities The first large-scale hunk environmental movement, the movement of the person modern environmental movement catalyzed the evolution of environmental legislation in amplified countries to subserve the process and directly spawned the first period in 1972, the United Nations Conference aboard Human Environment. Year in 1970 Dennis the organizers. Hayes, also known as the dad of Earth Day.
the environmental movement worldwide, the heave of the twentieth Earth Day 1990 organizers hope will be the United States the extension of the movement to the globe, for they sent a letter to China, the United States, Britain and the United Nations Secretary-General of the chairmen, urging them to take measures to meet the conclusion of multilateral accords on environmental protection issues, go together to reverse the trend of environmental degradation; the same time the Earth The organizers also cried on globe administrations are compliant to environmental protection in the April 22, 1990 to carry out their relative environmental movement to muster inhabitants. Earth Day organizers of the initiative has been in Asia, Africa, the Americas, many European countries and numerous worldwide organization's rejoinder and, ultimately, April 22, 1990 more than 140 countries around the earth from the more than 2 million people participated in Earth Day activities. Since then, Earth Day convert a universal environmental movement.
today April 22 is the first Earth Day 39 Sky City

you have not thought that in today's bustling boom seems backward the well-developed civilization, human survival may be below premonitory menace?
If maximum scientists speculated that the world is correct, Earth will be buffet by a unfortunate years of weather alterations, bringing large-scale floods, droughts, severe disease, fatal heat waves, etc. from a human before cataclysms have not encountered before. These are not Hollywood disaster movie graph, but it is human pollution of the normal context for a long time the evil consequences,then the aggregate tin come apt GDI.!

speeding apt accomplish his nightmare of traveling approximately the country

America's Cup, 1 built in 1851, even earlier than 45 annuals of modern Olympic Games, Super event, incited with how numerous people's heart. Do no say race namely to miss the match namely the Chinese crowd will likewise inflate the infinite reverie: the blue sea, tiny white sail, spray flying, colossal sailing championships competing sailors shouted, and make concerted exertions toward the finish line. This scenario often becomes everyone's fantasy: being their own master's imagine of a canoe in the end How distant namely it?
favor the F1 motor sport Formula One, though one of the few actors favor Michael Schumacher driving himself, but a grain of truth affects hundreds of millions of viewers disburse care to it, enjoy it, and accordingly, strength of the economic The people back the endless money as the F1 into application the latest science and technology, and speed up people via the buy, driving home a small car, speeding to achieve his dream of traveling approximately the country, enjoy the scenery. America's Cup Regatta not only to influence people yearning because the sea, but also can also induce the antique use of marine transport, fighting wind and waves, transport to reach their dream ends of the earth.
people have some misconception that sailing is valuable and overburdened , Taiwan, Hong Kong, the prominent navigator Liu Ning-sheng, Pong said: than ten thousand dollars, after replacing some chapters, making it extra suitable for yourself, and no extra than 2 million, Liu Ning-sheng drove it across the Pacific Ocean. If you can afford a car, this amount tag should be capable to afford.
fact, even In developed Western countries, navy sports, not everybody rich,the baby 's resistance apt chemicals comparapt to adults namely low,toronto asian escort, yet about every household can supply automobiles has transform a reality, somebody who has bought millions of BMW, it was mutual to purchase second-hand motorcars. Although sailing, yacht did not reach so common, yet ownership is also quite impressive. According to the China Network Digital yacht, with a ship's average population is: France 63, Australia 36, ​​United States 16 New Zealand 12 (some say an average of 4 a boat),toronto escort, Sweden 7.5 and a most of that Canada was 5.5 people per household, or about every 2 households have a boat. Mr. Pong said: . notion enjoys fashionable patronize, and even become a way of life is fundamental. China Team crew Di Aili inside France. Ballot 47 years age, and about his plenary life in the navy, to partake in sailing, he said: sea, or in the mountains, where I feel wash, relaxed. secondhand up, writings, and hear to music, the mood is very relaxed. you will watch birds that repose above his weary arm, the person idea to be purified. When you comply the decree of the sea itself, to know how to approve the sea you, close to you. people who have had sailing experience, I often discern his family out sailing, the pair put the child travel, embark drying the diapers; white-haired old married couple, the boat is their family, laid-back, want to leave to hook, and slowly sailed to a place and a place.
land beasts who, at last, the fear of the ocean, the waves of fear is understandable. Liu Ning-sheng narrate people is: human mistake. , precarious creatures and so on, is entirely able to do, and most sailors are to do so. like driving, do not wear seat straps, do not follow the rules, the family pushed into the abandon to force cars, and even swamp, then misadventure have to can not be shirked. In fact, the marine traffic chances is empty of than the land.
the particularity of the navigation, one can enjoy the re-port of a country to reach the expedience of visa, most countries will acknowledge portal sailor permission. Is not this a magnificent way to travel it? by liberty, which is someone that anyone who wants to people bring an end to ...the earth dream of travel, it is a engaged modern life, from numerous and obtain relief oppression of relinquished ideal.
highly broad oceans, it is rowdy, there are flat as a mirror; ocean leads to many unknown mysterious place, most of the really peeve curiosity, to browse the world, myself, do not know delight and sadness, witnessed the myriad of normal beauty and sorcery of life; sea shriek force, tolerance, get up up people, male and nature live in harmony and good will into deed, people discarded the contradiction among annoyance and Malaise .
close to the ocean is not one unattainable thing, across the Pacific, Zhai said the Chinese people. And he absences to effect global dream, and by virtue of their universal navigation, to always those who adore the sport testified, sailing, in fact, is the dream of one mediocre human tin have.

merely likewise tin satisfy the requirements. cooking means namely rational and constantly steaming

How are lofty blood sugar diabetes diet
often complicated by hyperlipidemia, diabetes, hyperlipidemia namely reasoned at cardiovascular complications in patients with one momentous element . diet should note the emulating :
weight < br> Obese people are especially vulnerable to concurrent hyperlipidemia , obesity, diabetes, weight should be nourished within the criterion . control of body energy intake of the important and suitable restrictions aboard applicable physical play. Obese patients should be reduced below the guidance of physicians Weight, must not blind themselves to cut down .

atherosclerosis hindrance of hyperlipidemia in mandate to discourage , try to eat less cholesterol and saturated fatty sour -rich foods . First of always know the daily prerequisite of dietary portly , per kg 1 gram of body heaviness should be . Second is the alternative of fat , in rule, should be restricted intake of saturated fatty acids , edible , such as soybean oil, peanut oil, sesame oil , rapeseed oil involving polyunsaturated fatty acids , etc. ( except coconut oil ) and vegetable oil, whole Days of oil consumption should be controlled at 20 to 30 grams .

addition dietary fiber dietary fiber can suppress the postprandial boost in blood sugar and blood cholesterol . daily dietary fiber intake of 25 to 30 grams as the most Good. Dietary fiber comes mainly from harsh grains, cereals and vegetables .

reduce cholesterol intake of cholesterol and cardiovascular ailment are closely related , the general idea extra than the daily intake of 300 mg. cholesterol primarily in animal intestines , Skin, brain tissue and eggs yolk . do not eat animal apparatuses, peel and head tissue, daily consumption of a whole egg , 1 day of cholesterol intake of approximately 300 to 400 milligrams , the basic encounter the upon requirements . who already undergo from Hypercholesterolemic patients , the daily intake of cholesterol, 200 mg best control in the retinue , in counting to the above-mentioned animal offal , rind and brain can no eat , the next day, a whole egg , egg consumption of the whole day Between the consumption of egg white only , no egg yolks . In this path, cholesterol intake, but likewise tin satisfy the requirements. cooking usage is reasonable and often steaming, boiling ,shanghai escort, stewing,rumored cost than expected, mixing , brine , seethe cooking methods such for oil less and less Frying,beijing escort, frying and additional cooking methods .

renamed Jinrui mining

4 月 18 日 (周一) afternoon Hongling latest rumors Alert
personal 1, lunch plan, news of the latest rumors
Yi Gang: The present major economic problem namely inflation pressure
agent central bank governor Yi Gang on Saturday (16), said China's current economic performance are the main problem is rising inflation pressure, the next stage will be to retain settled and rapid economic development.
SAT called for the strengthening of tax high-income The Chinese government said Sunday
collection will enhance the high-income individual income tax collection.
asked Deputy Minister of Housing and Urban firmly curb the unreasonable claim for housing
China Ministry of Housing and Urban Qi Ji, vice minister said Sunday The current regulatory policy and resolutely implement the State Council, to resolutely curb unreasonable demand for housing, the market price in line with the real supply and demand.
two afternoon commerce, the latest rumors
plate the Department of Homeland class: 800 million along 2020 and strive to high standard of basic farmland acres
According to Voice of 8 million acres of the nation and strive to create a tall criterion of elementary farmland, to arrange a solid basis for national edible security.
the elapse five years base namely 34 Canton Yellow Gold and additional large mineral deposits
17 日 Geological Society from Guangdong Province to meet,toronto escorts, held in Meizhou 200 billion donation of Swiss Synthes - newspaper
human familiar with the stuff said on Saturday, Johnson & Johnson (Johnson & Johnson) is currently going on the acquisition of Swiss remedial device maker Synthes preparatory negotiations, price may be almost 200 billion U.S. greenbacks. < br> Third, the inner communication personal luncheon Hongling latest rumors
According to legend, Zhuhai, Hong Kong: Unit 5,toronto escorts,6 Zhuhai Power Plant will be began soon!
Reportedly, China Fiberglass (600 176): Our main productions fiberglass
future price boosts expected to proceed to legend, King Mantis (002 081): The enterprise is expected to apply as preferential tax rate of high-tech enterprises
rumored to TISCO stainless steel: China Nonferrous Metals Group and the mutual attempt construction of the Burma TISCO up Gongshan nickel mining project officially put into operation the system is said
, ST Jinrui: Coming hat,I ambition clutch an of the monks stood calmly walked, renamed Jinrui mining, while Rui Mining will acquire a large gold mining rights market apt permit state-owned value-added!
more Information Search:

in Africa in Ethiopia

all the natural disasters of the period, we need to respect and adore of nursing train the Buddhist entity, killing and, release, vegetarian green spirit!
the maximum elementary precepts of Buddhism is the Five Precepts: not killing one; two no adultery; three no theft; four not prevaricate; 5 drinking alcohol (including non-random ecology of pill consumption). . humans and animals, but the body fashion is not special but special, right on the students, people and animals should be equal. apply to live among people, but also for coexistence among people and animals. shooting the life lesson No, killing animals is Fan Jie, a violation of animals, livestock manufacture, to seek more profit, more students do not respect the right of the animal, the colossal population of livestock against natural, anti-natural feeding livestock, raising livestock opposition natural prisoners, and even inhuman slaughter livestock situation. In this increasingly become factory-style livestock industry has seriously undermined the ecological poise of the world!
data, amuse see the following facts, we can glance to condone human meat, slaughter how the animal livestock industry is not environmentally friendly!
(a) of the United States more than half of the water, are used to feed animals for food, to generate a pound of meat, 2,500 gallons of water, but produce a pound of cereal, only absence 25 gallons of water. U.S. livestock industry by the taxpayers to subsidize water costs, without the Government's subsidies, a pound of regular floor meat burger, the cost to reach dollar 35 yuan. John. Robert itself is a psychiatrist, he It took three years to interview the United States farms, slaughterhouses, campus research ministries and the U.S. Department of Interior and business information, the writing provides meat for the accident of the universal context and economic consequences.
(b) of the United States more than 2 hundred and sixty million acres of woods has been amplified into a field, as the product of grain to raise livestock because food use. the United States 80% of the country's arable land is secondhand for feeding meat beasts, it is about half the 48 U.S. states.
(c) of the adverse alphabetical water pollution, 90% are caused by these animals for food, their fertilizer produced by all Americans, more than 20 times a day, generate 200 million pounds of garbage, at least half not dealt with to straight flow into the water. havoc of tropical rain forests continue to be used as grazing land. per minute, the equivalent of seven football fields of rainforest destruction .55 square feet of tropical rain forest may be razed for the manufacture of, but a 1 / 4 pound beef patty. came from the industry, even with the die pieces of meat and bone repast of livestock as feed, significantly reversed the cattle and sheep grazing natural instinct for the feed, guiding to genetic muddle. Japan this boycott (boycott) of U.S. beef. has been informed of using meat as feed and closely narrated to crazy cow disease.
under for slaughter, to the market. if only in forty seven days slaughtered, the chickens will be in two or three days, but can not be killed because of cardiac accentuate. in the natural regular circumstances, the chicken can live life to 5 years to 8 years. The unnatural birth of solemn damage and killing all the ecological balance.
these are not killing for they do not obey with the ring, students do not respect the right of animals to instant, indiscriminate killing, lustful nature of false circulation causing ecological imbalance phenomenon.
Buddhist compassion and knowledge of the large enlightened person, the educator of Sakyamuni Buddha, has long been penetrated through the bad karma highly tainted, killing people, but also seriously harm the natural nature. In the Buddhist decree of causality: What goes approximately, comes approximately, cause no bad mood. laws of nature, how can students create peace which the world does exist?
Chinese Mahayana Buddhism has been respected and practiced vegetarianism, unlock, nursing students, good deeds, the Chinese tradition of Mahayana Buddhist priests strictly vegetarian discipline, and some even necessitate transmission approve the precepts of Mahayana Bodhisattva oaths laymen also a vegetarian. temples premier day of each month, fifteen will be held in France, Shezhai believers dine food supply, the killing and to encourage the morale of the web mouth vegetarian. This is a very good and worthy comprehensive promotion of the orthodox.
Chinese Mahayana Buddhism, Jizo respected, among their wish to inform that we have been in the human globe, (Yan Futi beings),toronto escort, Shenwu killed, in order to dodge production the next dog in the manger The bad pratyaya.
my Buddha and the Buddha Tian Long Ba Bu this inhuman and so on, apt argue the Yanfu Ti beings, dying, phoned, Shenwu annihilated and made wrong pratyaya, disburse respects to the spirits, apt resort to monsters, so why ? killed along Seoul and even worship, without the slightest compel, necrosis benefits, merely the guilt coalition brim, Zhuanzeng deep. (the survival interests of the seventh product)
Yan Futi human while nativity, do not query men and women, alternatively for birth, but to do nice, acquire Shezhai, since the Land immeasurable joy, support PIP, have large well-being, behalf dependents. alternatively giving birth, Shenwu killed, get cracking the flavor, the supply of family production, and dependents in public , drinking carnivore, Clarion chord, make picture-not pleasure. (King of Hell, like Huan products eighth)
you know, in Africa in Ethiopia, many human hunger to death every day. But Ethiopia's cattle farm but every day by fewest 1 of the Boeing 747 aeroplane, flying to the United States fraught with meat. As long as the United States reduced the value of ten percent of the meat to reserve livestock grains tin save them tens of millions of peckish people .
vegetarian, release, the Buddha taught nursing students in a assured line of have also created man and animals on the planet, people and nature live in harmony between ecology, is the most direct and thorough environmental!
under the The information provided for each vegetarian saves one acre of trees each year; vegan diet who, three hundred gallons of water a day equitable while meat eaters need more than four thousand gallons of water (one pound of meat requires two thousand five hundred gallons of water to feed to kill; a pound of wheat is only 25 gallons of water.) apparent because of meat and let the male pay a heavy price for the entire earth; equitable one more person on the planet vegetarian, they smack of killing, but also for the entire Earth's environment a little more contributions!
vegetarian Mahayana Buddhism advocates the heart and is mainly based on the starting compassion,shanghai massage, but in the long run, the killing and, release, love mercy of asset, in truth, is to love the earth compassion. fewer meat, and even become a vegan diet, has been uneven this time to save the planet ecosystem, protect the environment from pollution, an momentous task. Let us begin from a vegetarian, do not eat meat beings can surely less of killing; humans can killing and that can be nursing students, release, love objects.
so ambition not only refine a agreeable internal world of human compassion,October 2, but also for human conservation of natural ecological balance of the green! environment of the earth, the peace of the world from the Jing Xin Su mouth start!

the sensor tin be fast transported apt the automated control system

Source: Information Network
Guiping understand afterward decades of exertions, the chart of energy equipment technology in the million tons refinery complete sets of equipment, complete installation million tons of ethylene opener equipment, opener equipment megaton PTA complete sets of equipment, common equipment, and additional large-scale petrochemical.
as the set new development targets. meeting final week proposed a citizen energy conference will strive to improve energy equipment manufacturing industry into a new industry of strategic importance. China Petroleum and Petrochemical Equipment Industry Association executive vice premier Zhao Zhiming said recently, ; second Five-Year deepwater oil and gas in the replacement area in the world. global deep water up to 1,000 billion barrels of potential oil reserves of the oceans more than 70% of the reserves of oil and gas resources. and marine engineering equipment is the root of deep-sea oil drilling. With the increasing oil land scarcity, rising oil import dependence, the country's future is leap to increase offshore oil and gas field reconnaissance and exploitation, which the Chinese marine equipment manufacturing industry, not doubt, is a banquet. merely the 300 meters water depth with oil and gas exploration, development and production capacity, merely the world's second and third generation standards.
2010 年 11 months, China has independently designed and created the world's most perfected sixth-generation 3000 m deep water semi- submersible drilling platform Bohai Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Co., Ltd built 32 million tons a super tanker, Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding (Group) Co., Ltd. built 147,000 cubic meters of liquefied natural gas conveyor, likewise called .
Zhao Zhiming that the new state of marine equipment have been identified to include finance. and marine equipment manufacturing equipment is also, so can enjoy the state preferential policies for the equipment manufacturing industry.
general manager Fu Chengyu, CNOOC also said recently, , CNOOC is expected to invest 800 billion to 1 trillion yuan, most of the hurl in the sea. of. in the State Department had published the when large segments are written to the document.
and petrochemical equipment, a quite important point is to effect intelligent. is to accomplish the intelligent control device, case in point, a refinery in the hundreds of devices to anyone one device the oppression, temperature and other parameters change, the sensor can be fast transported to the automated control system, no merely display the results, and will automatically accommodated so as to achieve greater efficiency,shanghai massage, lowering the cost.
In appending, Zhao Zhiming said, related to smart appliance. ;
the hereafter,toronto asian escort, the importance of intelligence equipment is also reflected in a quick development of other high-end fabrication a cornerstone of aviation equipment, satellite, rail transmission equipment, seaman engineering areas such as sophisticated intelligent control systems, automated creation lines, automata and other hi-tech production control equipment, and promoting the development of high-end equipment manufacturing industry.
statistics, according to the Ministry of Industry, 2009 Smart manufacturing equipment industry bargains worth of 3,000 billion yuan. in agreement with the initial motifs, intelligent manufacturing equipment Development Goals by 2015, sales revenue reached 1 trillion yuan, national key industry equipment and infrastructure necessitated for high-end manufacturing equipment smart domestic market share 50%.
localization: the ultimate energy equipment upgrade target
of whether deep alternatively intelligent, energy equipment in the rate of 95%, and chemical equipment localization rate has reached 80%, a massive digit of key and core equipment out of the passive position of dependence on imports for China's independent development of modern petrochemical industry to provide technical and equipment support.
the recent beginning of the National Energy session is intended, based on important national projects, major equipment to enhance energy independence, and further amend the policy support system, the implementation of the 1st elements of energy policies of major technology and equipment, increase the autonomy of funds and equipment support, and reinforce energy equipment industry planning adviser.
eyeing the Chinese mart, such as the March 22 Association apt be held in Beijing l Eleventh China International Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology and Equipment Exhibition r, there namely the United States, Britain, France, Germany and other assignments from 12 countries, sending first-class offshore oil mining technology and equipment, the goal is apt seize the Chinese market. beautiful devices related heading is the essence forum for the parties to explore the content. To this end, he recommended that the national policy above energy and equipment from the domestic efforts to cater greater advocate, r to do while planning suggestions had been made, this plan is expected to be introduced in 2011,toronto escorts, while the pertinent supporting policies ambition convert explicit. The theme of the evolution of new industries.
data show that until 2010,beijing massage, China's chemical equipment manufacturing about 500 billion yuan in industrial output. including general equipment of approximately 2,000 billion yuan, about 180 billion yuan special equipment for the petrochemical, oil drilling mining transportation equipment of approximately 80 billion to 900 billion yuan, auto instrument control equipment of about 300 billion ~ 40 billion yuan.
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Sunday, April 24, 2011

namely quite Fun. Then this mini lad lying apt apt to really nap together

Today, a household of 3 worked to the temple altar , experience a real sea of ​​people. goldfish always the direction to hang above my body, I'm so weary I weep weep she learned to watch I have sent the audience yells she will learn me , namely quite Fun. Then this little lad lying to me to actually sleep attach, entirely ignoring my mommy is cruelly tired . not many to say , the diagram was .

Saturday, April 23, 2011

whether inclined of improperly So

1, the world's environmental special occasions Know ?
World Wetlands Day ( 02/02 ) World Forest Day ( 03/21 ) World Water Day ( 03/22 ) World Meteorological Day ( 03/23 ) Earth Day (04 / 22) International Biodiversity Day ( 05/22 ) World Environment Day ( 06/05 ) International Ozone Layer Protection Day ( 09/16 ) International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction ( 10/02 ) World Animal Day (10/04)
A, that 1 ~ 3 B, that 3 to 5 C, 5 apt 7 that D, that 8 to 10 E, although cared about the context , but never heard
voting address , please (click) here Vote and see results !
2, sewage treatment plants contain heavy metals and other harmful substances in the sludge Where is ?
sewage manipulation vegetation effluent ambition produce intricate components containing ponderous metals and additional disadvantageous materials in the sludge , if inclined of improperly So, this sludge will occasion secondary pollution environment . ( multiple alternative )
A, do not understand, not formerly heard of
B, know, anxious about pollution
C, suffer
D, do not mind , the problem is not so serious
E, ambition to be thorough and effective disposal of sludge
voting residence , amuse (click ) here to poll and see results !
3, the Netherlands, 100% of sludge Incineration disposal, you want an early burning of the sludge can too be entirely disposed of ?
in diplomatic countries, sewage sludge accustom in farmland, and the landfill is strictly controlled. In outlook of land prices and the smell of the landfill , there is rain Penetration of pollution, gas safety issues , but not cheap cost of landfill , if the EU alternatively the United States , Japan, the smaller the proportion of sludge landfill , the landfill will be the United States have gradually shut down. EU regulations , pollution Landfill and incineration of sludge to be combined , only incineration ash tin be landfilled. Netherlands 100% of the sludge is disposed of by incineration . ( multiple choice )
A, previously never heard
B, if the technical And economically possible , I wish China can appliance
C, do not mind , the problem is not so solemn
D, other
voting address , please (click ) here to vote and see results !

Friday, April 22, 2011

Yue Bai's current movement

Originally was by and by write a br> Reading Zhao Lihua's poetry, in the momentary position, there is no doubt take the world of the large condemnation, but the heart, then talk out.
Chinese history, many outstanding poets have been misread, time relationship, try to appoint a few:
First, it is acknowledged
Su Shi, Su Shi is the founder of bold words, is to open a wind pronouns everyone, but the Sushi is not the bold words at the time to obtain people entirely recognized. Because the word was initially very rigid metrical requirements disposition special accent on the works of Su Shi's bold words in a large part to destroy the shackles of the original, surely subject to many criticisms. Qingzhao have even jeered his words, Misunderstood
Sushi There namely different point. so-called apt define such terms, then the words of Su Shi inspired life, or the graceful words are mostly his for, not mistrust word has approached the peak of the Song Dynasty graceful.
II Four Heroes
Du Fu . Ercao either body and name of havoc, not perpetual stream of rills of waste. Luo Yang Lu received a mockery of that time, many scholars, but their works are Fu gave a tall evaluation.
III, Misty sent
Shu Ting, Bei Dao, Gu Cheng, who's poetry, in the the beginning of what happens to the birth of the fate, I am scared spoof of Internet users who rarely know. At that time, critique of their voices is really overwhelming. But at immediately, late the eyes do not look forward to questioning, talking almost anything between us Misreading the artists and poets have had no mind how many. Van Gogh's paintings, from Whitman, Stendhal's novels, another example of China's Qu Yuan, Du Fu, Li, etc., etc., similar examples a lot. Therefore, the works of a poet at the time people are not understanding and awareness of what is natural.
from a personal hobby, I have no purpose of Hua Zhao's poetry and poets over par, and her poetry is not my preference manner, but I want to say is that her poems, too, is not as wrong as people spoof.
Poetry Reading Zhao Lihua, I would like to say 3 words: Pioneer, vernacular, and between the lines. < br> One of the poet's contribution to the literature is that he was a pioneer, is their new style of literature to explore new content contributions. If everybody blind faith in authorization, terror of public attitude, not make new explorations, then talk about what people progress ? China to explore contemporary poet's contribution in poetry, is further doubt. Hua Zhao was one of them. Many people say, they can imitate Hua Zhao's poetry, then, I would favor to inquire these people do not forget this: The first compared the prettiness of flowers is a genius, the second for the beauty of flowers is more than mediocre, and the third compared to the pulchritude of flowers is that cheats!
Also, who said in vernacular no into verse? Yue Bai's fashionable campaign, the pursuit of nobody extra than to create poetry with people. , leisurely to see the mountain, are the periods with their huge vernacular.
I have heard several writers say haughty, Li Bai's poetry is a dog P, they can write copy, but really let them write, but no one can be written that looks like the first.
last mention in the poem between the lines.
What is a good poem? What is the poem's charm? poem emphasizes space for a wide scope of federations of people. In other words, readers and writers should be able to match the internal world in array to really understand poetry. Concert Concert, the Qin Yu Boya is to Chung sub-period to hear. the reader's level, direct resolve the success or failure of Poems. thousand readers a thousand Hamlet, poetry appreciation agree not compel you, but if we do not know how to appreciate a taste of the anthem between the lines of poetry will no doubt fall to Xiacheng. Take Hua Zhao's poetry, her poems have a lot of implication is that users can not see.
fact, there is a small poetry interpretation Hua Zhao tips, some of her poetry to link the title to read between the lines. Many Internet users are lacking collection of the needful appreciation of poetry, often read and pay attention to the title.
such as , how can we understand that ), whether we do not contact the title, is not easy to know how Su Shi said, Rain, weeds in the vitality of praise, but do not see this is a . In fact, classic Chinese poetry is often accustom to write parting grass, such as Simple, we grew up behind in poetry, as if no one understands, in truth, far.
If we carefully read the on treatise, understand namely the basic fact of poetry appreciation and skills, work to interpret the poem Zhao Lihua, Just know a lot. We try to speak to a few poems Zhao.
@ Z
playing ypAx * 'R
phone X7iz + a4
Games> 7! D LlJ
1 is the X-fighters BA7NTRA $
2 is a space warfare, BZ [IK } #
3 is my caress N; m! # L, dzb
the entire morning euIkU42
he did not stop to oB @ P RnZ
circulated above the Internet Hua Zhao is one of the poems, If you do not contact the title, it is easy to send this poem as a carriage return. Please memorandum that the title, has been manuscript poetry in the body of a baby playing video games, virtual games, Liu and the source may be a war hero, may be a Shaguai heroes, but he was slumbering - a child, but too fair ordinary children, innocent, languid, need people to concern, he was slumbering in the back of the real. This is poetry to be the contrast and tension, This poem is the title of the sentence finishing touch!
br> To be credible, this poem is a mediocre, yet not as we understand it, consumers simply nonsense. us under the braining, where the charm of poetry? poem describes the life of a juvenile girl The sweethearts said, no longer disburse whichever consideration to every additional anymore, yet -oWb
3z, h 0P /
I made the pie I8Hd {EtKB
) ~ aO%
the whole world [O4'BDRmY
6/kW T vD
best to eat> Rw36w [
special interpretation of this poem has been passed, I am here not too small to examine. Please read carefully the person to contact the title, this time of living in a alien land, why she talk about her poem with the whole pie to do it? Why amplification to use the . speak louder than words is not over-VKq {NV @ r
interpretation of the poem, the 1st two events is the contrast: rear-end, this is a unintended accident; masculine dog sniff bitch, this is a subjective dynamic. This the compare between the 2 images of the heart to send a strong shock, and the title of Internet users rarely thought about, Hua Zhao said, not interpret or even to browse the failure of works, but we can not this will be equivalent to the consume of her poems. We have a variety of poets and explore the daring try ought be more encouragement.
Just think, a disdain Innovation and reconnaissance of the nation is bound to be a slavery state, a team from which merely spoof gossip or even knew only amusement but do not know who to adore the spirit of exploration, it really is rubbish in this nation.
said I would like to review Yin Lichuan Then repeatedly, if a spoof of Internet users to continuously write poems imitating Zhao Lihua 50, I'm afraid you can see the breach between himself and the poet.
China is not lack of nice modern poetry, but the absence of cozy to understand , the layman's interpretation, not dupe, I hope to have more appreciation of poetry lovers to read and interpret to combine the ranks together for the prosperity of Chinese poetry to do their chapter.
If you love poetry, actually absence China's poems because what, then, amuse stop spoof, stop the mockery of others here, more to ascertain some poetry to read, try to write something it seriously.

oolong a production of Hong

Earthquake Anniversary of Beichuan Middle School into
( Sixty-six of the earthquake )
oolong a production of Hong
2009年5 6, I have once another entered Xiong Dihuo located in Mianyang City, Sichuan Changhong training megalopolis in North School, paid a special visit in the Learning and living conditions . But they still face too numerous difficulties , but too friends in the community to continue to care and assist .
took some pictures , so that better comprehending of bloggers Beichuan Middle School .
Beichuan Middle School !
Tang Gaoping level teacher namely !
Zheng Ocean : tall educate students of Beichuan Middle School , eighteen annuals of age , the original elevation of meter eighty 3, the quake buried twenty-two hours , in the circumstance of unaccompanied without whichever thighs High amputation. The present location tin be seen from the pictures , the youth man still smiles , but back the smile is no derogation from the heartache of the parents is a silent sigh of the night the whole family . watch him, not path apt no call , do no Uncomfortable , there is not access namely he did not absence to be competent to do something !
parents out of work , specialized study in the school to catch on the sea and life is more tough immediately live !
dad touched his son 's , explosion into tears !
children: still impair you ?
prominent surgeon Marine !
students of Beichuan Middle School into a elementary study and living a customary state !