Thursday, May 5, 2011

and even South Korean fashionable idol team merely groundless

Star Man Records / sing. Arts to launch the fashionable China next few recently released debut album from the ranking highest diagraming song in the important continuous rise, and even South Korean popular idol group only groundless, but his singing ability and popularity have been overlooked. With China next few songs are more and more popular, and he showed in the record in the R & B and New Hop-Hip music functions a fusion of , but also with the nowadays popular R & B Jay Chou and somewhat similar, the network is some people he phoned active dispute.
fewer then China truly see favor Jay do next? For this,shanghai massage, the year was undoubtedly the maximum eligible to talk Taiwanese entertainer Jay Chou ascertain none other than Wu. before the reception above this issue linked to the Wu, Wu said he China has been heard emitting a so it is a singing main. Some mention he is the mainland Jay l r, yet I muse he could be dissimilar Jay had! Strength: human! He felt the emotion of all the anthems inside out, then I calculate approximately another superstar singer was connate. Now the network and Jay approximately his approximation is not very clear. However, while listening to a correspondent relayed the Wu for his encouragement, the Chinese likewise Xiange next few thanked,toronto escorts, and has again stressed that he ambition attempt no to patronize his friends were dissatisfied.
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fashionable vigor awareness

Mr. Gore and the Jiangsu provincial and municipal leaders for the opening of Suntech low carbon concept Museum (Click picture to look the HD edition)
Wuxi June 11, 2010 / Xinhua-PRNewswire / - Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore visited today, Suntech, Mr., work br> the altitude of humanity, progress of human civilization developed approximately the use of energy in the elapse, present and future of fossil stamina by the environmental crisis occasioned by a deep reflection, as well for current energy, carbon independent and low-carbon future, a better display, subserve People caring for the world to their families, prefer low-carbon energy saving lives.
this, the Chinese Government's invitation, Mr. Gore, -12 aboard June 9-day visit to China apt residence air change the theme with relevant divisions and institutional training and interchange. Mr. Gore this a.m. apt see the Shanghai World Expo, a special junket to the afternoon rush Wuxi, visit the Suntech, Dr. Shi Zhengrong of the community and how to go attach to address global challenges of weather alteration, and and Dr Shi, Jiangsu Province, Wuxi City Hall presidency with the prologue kick-off for the low carbon conception.
attended the opening rite today, Party Secretary of Wuxi, Mr. Gore visited the Wuxi Yang expressed warm welcome to Mr. Gore often absence to Wuxi, Wuxi care given to low-carbon development, guidance and aid. Yangshu Ji said: and foster new economic growth point the only way. Suntech actively achieve their social duty to provide in low carbon concept pavilion to promote the theme of low carbon, showing the development of human civilization in the use of energy in the past, present and future, is a comprehending of low-carbon, new energy awareness, environmental learning to study a magnificent place to further improve the concept of public low-carbon, promote industrial restructuring and upgrading, change production and life, building a resource saving and environment friendly society to construct the scientific development in Wuxi, restructuring and development of new conveniences, ambition have one immeasurable boost. Museum opening ceremony, said the concept of carbon a large medal. During the ceremony, Mr. Gore said: to deal with environmental pollution, climate change challenges, in mandate to achieve sustainable human development. Germany,shanghai massage, the concept for the museum opening kick-off carbon. Dr Shi said: Earth homes are creature challenged by the orthodox industrial civilization, are responsible for over-exploitation of fossil energy by the Earth's negate consequences of environmental abuse. In the face of these global nightmare, as a scientist, I have a sense of task to use science and sagacity sustainable human development seeking a thorough solution, as an entrepreneur, I have a sense of urgency, to use high-efficiency low-cost solar photovoltaic products and systems for charging for the green future, as a global inhabitant, I am even more a sense of liability in the entire society, especially youth people, to promote low carbon green environmental philosophy, for the protection of our merely planet for our future generations continue to have the blue sky and pearly clouds, mountains and make unremitting exertions. About Suntech Suntech Power Holdings Co., Ltd.
Holdings Limited is a guiding global solar photovoltaic companies, the company specializes in crystalline silicon solar compartments, modules, silicon skinny membrane solar cells, photovoltaic power generation systems and BIPV (BIPV) production evolution, manufacturing and sales In 2009, Suntech Power to accomplish crystalline silicon solar cells, modules and creation capability of 1,100 MW, the yearly component cargoes of 704 MW, is the world's largest crystalline silicon solar Battery,toronto escorts, component manufacturers. its own design, evolution, product and marketing of lofty quality, high yield,your hand, eminent amounts,shenzhen massage, environmentally friendly solar products, are warmhearted secondhand in residential, advertisement buildings, industrial and public facilities and additional fields. Suntech Power in the globe with three local headquarters, situated in China,shanghai massage, Switzerland and San Francisco, in China with Wuxi, Shanghai, Luoyang, Qinghai four important production bases. Suntech Power actively working to enhance the living environment of mankind, and at amplifying advanced solar solutions that fulfill sustainable evolution. For more information, please visit:.
SOURCE Suntech Power Holdings Co., Ltd.

land resources are no renewable

Yuyuan Garden Cemetery in Anyang County, Long
is only one Earth,shanghai escort, China has only a piece of land. land resources is people survival and evolution of material bottom , but also the limited non-renewable resources and expensive asset .
It Set , the universal demographic projections of population 5.0 billion in 1996 , 7.0 billion in 2000 ,beijing massage, merely to feed the 2050 population of 8.0 billion .
China, nevertheless the results of the arable land accounts for 7% of the earth to fared 22% of the earth Population,shanghai escort, rapid expansion of population in short , land resources are no renewable , and since thousands of years of feudal funeral customs, the br> To do this , from the outlook of history and reality , from the matter culture and spiritual culture, from the social and economy absences for a starting point , carefully and loudly remind the public ,wise namely apt educate out of the w{nameinstructd apt to teach them, both immediately and in the hereafter must affix magnificent importance to defending farmland, Maintaining the ecological balance which namely the common duty of society , yet also the obligation of each inhabitant .
funeral reform , it is imperative ,shenzhen escort!

are exceedingly rewarding. light of this Item

Indian residents generally have a flush restroom facilities, the general human of India Tourism namely holding a cup of water when the stool , customs regulations Xipi Gu with his left hand ,beijing massage, so apt the store to pick the food must not be left-handed . only in the high locations of foreigners visited the lavatory In the merely lavatory periodical , this is actually a agreeable habit. India visa the 1st of its benefits greatly dwindle the occurrence of hemorrhoids ; second can retention a lot of paper to defend the earth's resources ,guangzhou massage, protection and development of green projects , are exceedingly gainful. light of this Item , you can save a lot of wood. But the compatriots alive in India namely have ache Daya ,beijing massage, maximum are not accustomed to ,beijing massage, has preserved its own national habits,and give our kid a earth of pure ., still use toilet paper .
inbound excursion of India

tragic 7 diplomatic torment

Times progress, science and technology more advanced, and immediately about everyone has a notebook, but it is wealthy stuff, how can those of us poor people have their own notebook? Have to DIY it! < br> A senior Chinese Nowhere sad! (13 chart), please visit
Mengliao strong fresh see at today:
husband and wife naked brutally candid serious dew point (Figure 6)
alternative U.S. wording (Fig. 9)
Need: Top ideas from nigh the world (Figure 18)
strongman is how to use the phone (13 figure)
small animals how to teach you the most snug nap (11 Chart )
mini drag: Diary of a hamster (Fig. 9)
their feet to repair the bicycle to make a living with disabilities (Figure 22)
campus students alive attach is to encounter the sexual thrusts?
cute: Shu Shu phantasmal Qiuai Ji (Figure 7)
cute cats and dogs mating gave birth to the babe (5 diagram)
06 on the vicissitudes of life on Earth, how much you read? (Figure 59)
different sample of people cruelty: assassinate Cat (Shen Ru, may reason misgiving!)
Shall Overcome: Global Chinese against Japan agreeable a permanent support please sign!
sad sad people of Shanghai Metro retired (Figure 3)
fight to the death does not kneel! There is a shake only a map! (1 Figure)
have a meager = shocking anguish (Figure 19)
Way back when feeling: the antique tokens of 9 girls (Figure 9)
pure years: the moment of charmingly naive little ones (Fig. 13)
lyric infer Luo Qing Wu: winter in the reed marshes (Figure 8)
incredible: China revealed the ancient erotic sex jewelry stand (Fig. 5)
seems the embodiment of prettiness and evil: a large collection of various types of pythons (8 figure)
2006 National Geographic Top Ten News Stories (14 figure)
no a good feeling: so shine 1966! (6 Figure)
amazing beautiful: simple human, the real China (Figure 22)
one elderly person, and accordingly hunger to decease (10 figure)
ran from the studio to the super scary kids Variety (10 figure)
Women were insulted man beaten two days (Figure 3)
CCTV ten presenters every have their own share of headaches (10 Chart)
globe broad Onoda last Guizi Bing Lang (9 Figure)
human evolution from fish to human process (Fig. 10)
top ten world's most famous toilet (Figure 10)
with diagrams: 10 beautiful clothes made the malignant peccadillo disposed (10 plot) enrolled Sohu Home
let you see the squirting of the ad (Fig. 10) Gordon Sohu Home
2006 Top Ten horrible unconscionable Hei Jingtou inventory (Figure 10) Ban Teng Sohu Home
18: Children ought not bear metamorphosis (12 Chart)
can not unravel the riddle of Tibet ten (10 figure) Gordon Sohu Home
terrible scene: in the end Who is to reprove? (Figure 3)
Poor: Flexibility training Ulaanbaatar technical skills of the Mongolian girls (Figure 10) Gordon Sohu Home
2006 Christmas show off personalized beauty component abrasive (Figure 4)
logged history's most noted photographs (Fig. 13)
in the history of the immortality of the chicken: The beheading is still alive 18 months (Figure 3)
Golden Week visitors a diversity of gigantic powerful men and women sleeping location (Figure 5)
extraordinary! Mountain students really come up with such a microcomputer room! (3 map) < br> Explosion Khan: American mendicant various causes (Fig. 5)
the world's most cattle man genitalia (Figure 1)
the most cattle Chronicles (7 +2 Chart)
feeling very depressed: naval The urn with the owner of the phone (Figure 22)
There namely only the path in which Chinese infantry challenge to steer! (Figure 2)
wildest lovely Chinese women, Chinese men must aid! (17 map) Gordon Sohu Home
Classic Review: Hercules Cup previous champions (19 figure)
2006 ten of the most drastic star fact (Fig. 10)
India's mighty man in the end how strong (Fig. 8) < br> his military beauty: The most impressive catalogue of female! (40 Fig) embark of 2006mm Sohu Home
Selective Dissemination of China's anniversary Picture News (5 figure)
anyone above the planet than this. binary Laden strongly (18 Chart )
Continental soldiers soldiers talk with Taiwan (11 figure)
married thriller yarn: the beautiful perpetual promise of happiness (10 figure)
dozens of people to withstand the well-being (10 map)
shriek does not bring an end to ... of sorrow: a true portrayal of China's low-level figures (22 figure)
saw this scene could not but emotionally: infants hippodrome entertainer (18 figure)
French animal rights protesters who enhance vegetarian nude (2 Figure)
behind the killing of wealth and mainstream (8 figure)
Iraq laborers! Why are you doing? (22 figure)
*** precious photos (8 figure)
human exposure to the six classic moments (6 Figure)
animals BT essence Story (7 Figure)
rising oil amounts caused by gangster events (6 Figure)
manner is said to be the most difficult this century, the 8 knights (8 figure)
tongue can be done? (10 figure)
human creativity will be scared to death of their own (Figure 7) Gordon Sohu Home
seductive tenet of the sun between 2 Magicians (5 figure)
cool: What a feline to listen to what elements in melody (13 Chart)
solution flask elegant Art Deco style (Fig. 18)
quite curious small beings samples (Figure 10)
16 years the Hubble Space Telescope there is untapped treasure of the world's top ten (10 figure)
archaeological excavate in ancient feminine masturbation (Figure 9)
clans as collecting the unusual: a secret Indian technique faint (Fig. 16)
God of War Chi descent: China's last tribal gunmen (12 figure) Gordon Sohu Home
extreme essence: the world's top special forces large display (Figure 18)
I ambition her nipples to chance the dragon totem turtle totem,shanghai massage,non-starchy vegetables and fruits in the mean everyday intake of by fewest 600 grams! (15 Chart )
There is a terror of the United States called (6 Figure)
dread in Indonesia after the tsunami deep sea creatures found (Fig. 13)
blue and pearly,shanghai massage, love like charming Aegean Sea (Fig. 23) Gordon Sohu Home
a melancholy history of the Mother of rivers and lakes (Fig. 20) Gordon Sohu Home
Comedy: Super Rookie mischief (20 map)
namely touch of simple beauty: Shanghai 1863-1888 old photos (5 figure) < br> prestigious dishes bring offthe Beijing Office (12 figure)
the Chinese people elated of the top ten old (14 map)
is endless memory of infancy snacks (10 figure)
there is a story called warm Love (7 Figure)
There is a poignant love story called (Figure 7)
beautiful tropical rain forest (frog + monkey treatise) (Figure 10)
extravagant digit of lines the highest state of dictate (Figure)
International football nine worst hair (Fig. 9)
Tang Jiali Underwear photo (Figure 11)
non-general Invisibility (6 Figure)
chap street performers (8 figure)
board the U.S. Time magazine's Chinese (10 Chart)
described at the Western painter the most pretty girls (10 figure)
Heijing Tou: War bloody male shot die by near scope moments (Fig. 30) Top
Original: memorize how I laughed as whichever death the killer
: Crouch outrageous spoof of the classic posture (Figure 19) Gordon Sohu Home
super horrible ashtray (Figure)
Foreign Metro splendid fancies (12 figure)
the essence of China's most moving photos (d) top, must-see sequence.
the essence of China's most moving photos (c)
core of China's most moving photos ( b)
the essence of China's most moving photos (10 figure)
a Central Academy of MM after eating orange madness (Figure 9)
strongman perform in the maximum state of various types (Fig. 8)
History of the strongest artificial photographs (Fig. 7)
affectionate nature, jump in a alliance in the condemnation of loving pairs (23 figure) Gordon Sohu Home
2006 年 10 stunning the world's most (10 figure)
spoof Diving: Guo Jingjing too beats the pose (Figure)
praise: spectacular views of death-defying campaign (Figure 40 fine) Gordon Sohu Home
of wonders: Foreign varieties of street performers (Figure 9)
full exposure of the Indian militia regiment (27 figure)
2006 Best Picture annual Wildlife (10 figure)
300 to generosity in the name of a star into battle nude photo shoot (Photo)
spoof merely creativity can be Ka Zoo posters (Figure)
Journey to the West of Japan's most revolting (Figure)
Renxiaoguitai: seduce the inverse sex the most forcible moves 8 (Figure)
classic: the beauty of the animals stirring moments ( Figure)
MM prefer of the condom the most discussed (Figure)
spoof of the elite: CS Rhapsody (Figure) Top
a toilet through the vicissitudes of the day (Figure) has been secluded
cursed world football List the top ten renowned classic example of the ball Ba (Photo) Top
shock: 4.0 billion pixel camera photos! (Figure) Gordon Sohu Home
outrageous: Breast Liu Hulan such as (graphic)
language teaching materials during the warfare (Figure)
Auto satyr multiple bile: a photographer obsession color department? (Figure)
the strongest incarnation of God the most adorable baby sleep (Figure)
see once each N actors have to laugh long faces (Figure)
animals BT: the most passionate concert crazy (Figure)
favor this: This panic is close to the beautiful (Figure)
diagonal smile you! stars Super gunpowder vomiting Khan Figure
Network Ten as document (Figure)
foreigners Xiaopodupi spoof (Figure)
lovely dizzy! super cute baby seraph (13 Chart)
the world's most Coincidentally,beijing massage, the moment (Figure)
Mao's identity password (November 2006 the latest version) with 43 infrequent photographs
How could the bishop scolded Sister? can not aid laughing
way to agree with the BT IT: The poor are made to see how the notebook! (Figure) Top
most accessible spoof of the 10 names of the large network of cruel abuse
hare events, including your hair stand on end! (soft-hearted who do not see) Top headlines
not miss the utter classic:
Comedy: lustful pictures of events on the trail (figure)
sporting the most terrible injuries (Figure) Gordon Home
Earth Millennium Lao Yao (Figure )
Madden most incredible picture,shenzhen escort! cattle dog fighting, a cow and annihilated two dogs! (Figure)
This is the real devil (Figure)
is smiling more than the youngster of mortification
The most polemical advertising creative (Figure)
you deem her 12 year old? primary six students on the Japanese 32D Playboy cover (Figure)
spoof of the invention: the Japanese in the end more boring? discern the most unnecessary inventions (Figure)
this person? the world's most thick arm (Figure)
not satisfied: live version of Popeye! (Figure)
drops point and She Really Show! to entering into the distraction circle, she was naked do Guangbo Cao! (Photo)
hot eclectic: Guangzhou appear 37F Big beautiful MM (map)
BT Andy King also spoof the Statue of Liberty (Figure)
most creative and funny condom advertising (Figure )
tragic 7 foreign torture (Photo)
stirring German sanguinary sacrifice (Figure) Gordon Home
indeed hilarious: aliens also spoof (Figure) Teng MM Home
strip nude chat nude chat the whole process (Figure)
10 名 chased by stray dogs killed members of an armed encircle of the villagers (Figure)
condemned the serious violence: gang fights and a girl stripped girl shit (Fig.)
top 11 in various types of vulva appliance
how women were the most rapturous love thing
On the woman's pubic hair and other
terror: Portugal mysterious car accident (video) Top Recommended

Acai contains antioxidants are grapes of 10 times

MonaVie juice is the altitude edible m from the ecology of the Acai fruit from Brazil (along Asa) and many other fruits rich blend of nutrients, of which 90% of Acai (Asa by) juice, savor sweet, uplifting the efficacy of the spirit.
drinking MonaVie Juice (Acai Juice) 20 reasons:
1. obstruction of disease - phenol (biological flavonoids) can protect the body from disease attack.
2. provide nutrition Yuan-Acai juice are wealthy in antioxidants and other minerals great to provide the basic nutrients and free radicals.
3. strengthen the immune system function-Acai Juice base in many anti-mutagenic chemical compounds to help the immune system to resist cell senescence, and DNA underwent other aggressions.
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6. repair the native role-Acai contains many mighty antioxidants, or have effects, because they can nail vitamin C, vitamin E and glutathione _ and other antioxidants.
7. defensive protection - when the pathogens, antigens, mutagens and carcinogens into the human body the body or the body's own metabolism fabrication These pathogenic ingredients,Los Angeles, the cell film and mitochondrial DNA (these substances than the nuclear DNA more vulnerable to the amplitude of DNA damage 15 times or more) damage, Acai protection of plant nutrients barricade activities initiated to alleviate or eliminate oxidation.
8 . defend the eyes-Acai fruit juice can improve vision and reduce alternatively eliminate the eye disease, including glaucoma and blots of degradation, Acai in antioxidants can help fix the retina.
9. embodying fatty acid-Acai berry contains high quality fatty acids (Omega), steel, amino acids, dietary fiber and vitamin P, and additional vitamins. All of these nutrients ambition help to promote the cell's life features,shanghai escort, the transport of nutrients into the cell.
10. help digestive enzymes and athletic growth ingredient (Coenzyme Q10) is a very important nutrient-Acai berry is rich in these natural nutrients,shanghai massage, helps digest,shenzhen escort, transport of nutrients and chemical interactions.
11. reinstate youthful animation to restore youthful-Acai Berry famous for the effectiveness of play, it can strengthen the body's immune system and other functions for the body to provide more stamina.
12. lower cholesterol-Acai berry has some of the nutritional essay similar to the effectiveness of olive fuel can lower cholesterol (wrong cholesterol). These fatty acids help transport fat-soluble vitamins and A, E, D, K digestion.
13. rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals-Acai berry is rich in vitamin B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin),shanghai massage, C (ascorbic acid), E (tocopherol) as well as iron, potassium and phosphorus, which is quite important for healthy cells of nutrients.
14. strengthen the circulatory system function - cardiovascular disease is the second leading occasion of decease cause. Acai berries antioxidant flavonoids in biology to entirely promote healthy circulatory system. They strengthen blood containers, preventing stroke, center disease and atherosclerosis.
15. Anti-Cancer-Acai berry bio flavonoids (multiple phenol) and mutant plants are resistant to chemicals, to resist the invasion of cancer-causing genes and to strengthen the immune system. Other physiological effects of anthocyanins include radiation and chemical substances, protect blood vessels and abscess. has the best oxidation resistance nutrients.
16. hypoglycemic - Acai berries with cheap sugar (for opposed to ordinary fruit), and pancreas helps the body to adapt blood sugar.
17. rich in iron and fiber - Acai berry is rich in iron and a kind of fibers, is strongly suggested to take a digestive ailment of the elderly.
18. to improve the sleep-Acai berry nutrition and normal slumber can help improve insomnia. It provides the needful nutrients for the muscles to increase muscle function and to help relax muscles.
19. protein and amino sour protein namely the construction of the cornerstones compartments - protein amino acid namely one momentous chapter. the basic amino mordant protein with a absolute complex, Acai berry is extra luxuriant protein than egg, and contains numerous amino acids .
20. Clean Detox - For centuries, folk medication has been using Acai Berry to help clean and detoxify the body.

20. Hanawa students gently gently with the concordance finger and mini balls apt the head

1. Hanawa originally thought to be very happy sitting in the back of a small ball, but came back but Pidianpidian a U.S. Central.
(In fact, the U.S. Central really like flowers round, but she was too muscular the extravaganza of their love, and will make people Zhaojiabuzhu
Hanawa never really answered to the U.S. Central, even whereas he knew she was so fond of. Oh .. his eyes only a small ball ah)
2. Small ball fever, the students took the initiative to ask and Xiaoyu round, along the United States to visit with small balls.
(Hanawa, ah, you look at the two girl, you a male, I can see your idea Oh, very worried about the small ball bar)
3. Hanawa with French chocolate to bait small balls. Be compliant to spend a small round balls for food waiter.
(small balls and can not stand the temptation to eat, so you take round with food caught her heart, right!)
4. school hiking, flower circular initiative apt aid small balls and Xiaoyu camera.
(more pretty area, flowers and small round balls you take a picture so fine.) < br> 5. Hanawa students voyaging back in France,shanghai escort, only to buy mementoes of small ball, a beautiful music box.
(looking by the small round balls of flowers that soulful expression,shanghai escort, but 7.3 graders to a standing ovation a grader. a little sister,shanghai escort, Oh, and spoiled) initiative to help!
(for their own folk like to do it. Even if people are a joke next to a spent round nice of you ah.)
8. small ball to her mom bad hair tear, back to the schoolroom do not want to take off a hat. squad leader mandates a small ball hat,beijing escort,
small balls do not want to die, flowers round of students come to help. He said: cap. Small ball has been nominated) bully the small balls,
round of students came out to spend the emancipate, said that it was the fault of the U.S. Central. better protect small balls Oh
(you see the flowers round, talking all about the little ball that side Oh)
10. small ball handed a pen pal, pen pal petticoat students to imagine that very absolute.
almost small ball pen pal meet later female students are very excited to know, handsome and lofty, and money. long pen pal I'm sorry. As a outcome, students spend round Anshuang: very handsome, pearly suit ah.
(small balls, I envy, envy you, ah, I live to so great, not ever sent me roses TT)
12. birthday party began, Hanawa set 8 from the flower mart to send roses came.
Hanawa said the students will send as much as she and her older roses, it is 9. Unfortunately, this romantic little balls is not chilly.
(small balls you are truly slow, =-= But I too kas long asyou are not sure would like to receive flowers, yet a lot of agreeable edible)
13. small ball to the meteor, you want a great mattress .
narrator says: , giggle ~)
14. proctor in the summer to go back to small beasts to catch on small animals. Hanawa'm going to travel, leaving only a small ball back.
small ball maddening, took round that will send back the dirt in Hawaii give her flowers round from namely quite romantic.
small balls to do that to the sand, not as good as Hawaii chocolate. black lines 3 - (Flower Wheel, you equitable do not go to Hawaii, and so have the opportunity to be unattended and the small ball ah. care for rabbits = V = do not care for me)
15. Hanawa Hawaii back, it really brought the sand (see Hanawa students still got the fancy of ​​small ball, or else had forgotten about).
But small ball did not shut the gate hare cages, rabbit entire came = =
more vexed little balls, and sand also fall to the ground of the school's sand. Hanawa Cup with the students.
(look Hanawa 3 stiff black line, staring out at the school of Hawaii land of sand, and his center cries ah.)
16. a small pellet and beach rumors governance, to make such remarks, Re Luanjiang, I do not like the beach of the small balls rule!
If you say it, might as well say I Hanawa students! I do not want Bin governance ah! .) - - you understand you tin, ha ha ha.
17. So Hanawa students promulgated Haha, they touch your hair in a)
18. small ball to paint victors, to send students want to spend a small round balls hairpin.
but the small ball, said: rejected.
(see the flowers round each time a gift is in the palm of the hand with two hands,do no consume paper, Awu, small balls and you still refused!)
19. Mei Wan: do not shriek me baby while it? baby ~ so I'm envious ..)
ring it for the United States, that she in fact foolish. read a set of flowers round her students to do the bun, do not give up the failed N times.
for it is She wants to give the students the adore of flowers round of birthday award - -, but dine flowers round one, the additional was eradicated
XXX I muse, if it is a small ball to give you, take you round the students will not want to eat, do not let others touch, let alone eat
Mei Wan very sorrowful, she really loved the wrong human, but she still persist therein.
20. Hanawa students gently gently with the concordance finger and mini balls to the head: .)
21. small ball and took a bunch of students to take round to round off my mother. only a small round balls sad to see flowers.
(Hanawa small adults, will not show it in front of the total , looking at their expression of sorrow, ah, I'm that anxious)
(in fact, spend very rounds lack of love, small balls as has been the household fondle, so it is not acute to this variety of love of love.)
22 . small round balls and students to take home to play, but also specifically for a beverage marrying clothes!
(so the two of you walked with fact. oh >.<)< br> 23. small ball round at home to take photographs (my mother surrounded the flowers round) ah ~ ~ good and warm love it
(mother is a huge round flower beauty ah, I like -0-- this photo shoot as a small ball little daughter did not get marital - -)
over. I said, small balls no matter the outcome, you have to happy.